So what has been going on for the last couple of months in Londonderry Twp.?  I think the water containment structure on the Lake well area has been completed.  Have any of you heard anything about pipeline work going on or soon to start?  Any new pads being developed?  In short what has been going on?  Than You!

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Any one been in talks for resigning leases. We are coming up on 5 years here.

Very little I have seen or heard. As I just followed up in the Rumors & Tidbits thread, the Donna well (Skullfork Rd) drilling is complete (about a week or two ago) with the rig moved to PA. No idea when fracking will start. I can't remember if Donna said they told her Feb?

They're building a road, 1/3 mile long, just NW of the Donna well; road is off McCoy. I believe it is Betts 1. They said they should be done with the road by Christmas. Not sure how the heavy equipment might affect my hunting this year, but guess we'll find out :-)

Thank you for the information this broke a long dry spell  on what is going on in Londonderry Twp.  There must be more going on behind the scene than we realize.  Has there been anything going on such as cutting pipeline right of ways anywhere in the township?  What about the water containment facilities that were to be built at Lake's and on the Gray farm?  Any rumors of planned new wells?  Lets keep each other informed.

Fracking Abe troyer supposed to start next week

where is it located and who was the driller?

I heard the same: the first part of Oct.

They've been putting in the pipeline on the back (North) side of the Donna well, to meet where they left off on the other side of Tobacco Rd. I would *think* that means they'll start (clear-cutting) the remainder of the pipeline(s) for these three wells: Donna, Betts  and ??? (I don't know the third, only that the pipeline rep. mentioned three that are tied together). Still no activity, like setting up a drill rig, at the Betts.

According to the ODNR O&G well locator online, Eclipse has this one. It's near Pennyroyal and Penrose's the Abe Troyer. It is on my property.

eclipse is offering Aprox. $7000.00 per. But it's for 7 years and you geet almost nothing up front. When asked about a guarnentee pay out they would only commit to 2 years. In the first 2 years you get almost nothing. We didn't even get to the fine print in a contract. ie deductions , surface to core etc.

tell em to shove it.

Merry Christmas to all.

The pipeline is well on the way to being completed from the Gil pad to the north I hear.  And the Black Racer well is now listed as drilling on the ODNR well locator site.  What else is going on in Londonderry Twp.?

I heard recently from an oil&gas service guy that someone is starting up a water /brine trucking company with 26 total trucks somewhere along rt.22/Cadiz rd.between Winterset and Londonderry. I drove that route a couple weeks ago, seen nothing like that.It could be on a side road off 22? 


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