A quick update: Our last meeting was very successful with good attendance at both the informational meeting as well as the members meeting. We had 1,400 acres of land sign onto the group as a result of the meeting. We have had a steady flow of agreements come in, the group is growing and we are getting well positioned for upcoming negotiations.
Bob has been very busy this week inputting all the data to create our GIS maps which will make for a very professional presentation to the gas companies.
We had our first anniversary......we formed BCLG on February 28, 2010 and we have been growing consistently since. I bring this up for 2 reasons:
1). In our meetings we constantly talk about being patient. Look at where things are now as compared to 2 years ago and you can envision where things will be 2 years from now. Working together as landowners we can dictate to multi- billion dollar companies what we want and what is important to us. We can tell them where we want to be and when!

2). In a true landowner group the landowners have a say in what is in the lease. We have all members fill out a survey and then we build the lease parameters based on input from the membership. Attorney run and venture capital run groups will not do this. Consequently charging you more for less.

We have been contacted by Atlas Energy as well as Newfield Energy. These were unsolicited inquiries on our group and they were both very impressed with where we are right now both from an acreage standpoint as well organizational standpoint. We explained to them that we are still building the group as well as the GIS map and will be in touch when we are ready to negotiate a lease.
Oh......and of course GO STEELERS!

Views: 517

Replies to This Discussion

Will there be additional opportunities to join the group?

Doug,  our group is still open and growing. We are a true landowner group run by landowners not a venture capital company seeking to flip YOUR lease.  If your property is in Clay, Concord, Cherry, Marion, Washington or Venango Twps we would love to have you on board!  We are currently in discussions with gas companies but I don't expect that they will be in our price range immediately.

Will you be hosting another meeting in the near future?  I would like to find out more about your timeline and expectations, as far as lease price goes...


Is there any paperwork required to join the group, and if so, what would be the best way to get it to me? I may have other landowners around me who would be interested as well...




You can send an E-mail to: BCLG@zoominternet.net and we will send you an informational packet and you will also be placed on our E-mail list for updates.  I try to post here as well to keep landowners informed on what we are doing. 

We are looking to have a meeting later this month most likely at the N. Washington Social Hall or the Snowmobile club. 


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