
Although it looks like a weak turnout do not despair.  Contact your neighbors, get them to sign up for a GMS account and voice their opinion.  I have begun to do this myself, but it takes time for their accounts to be activated, so I expect this turnout # to grow and will give it time.  Do a little "used car salesman" impression (no BS though).  Let them know how it would benefit them!

Remember vote on the other post, not this one.


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If you have short opinions about how this should be done state it here please.  I hope we don't overwhelm GMS. LOL


 I am in full support of this effort, but I think it should include all Ohio counties, as we are all under the same regulations and laws in this state.  I think it is important that we all learn from each other as to what matters concerning mineral rights leases and pipeline ROW's.  A lot of folks i have encountered have "clammed" up, once they recieve "lease bonus money".  I don't blame them personally - its a lot of money to most of us poor dirt farmers that really don't understand what is too come, and have worked so hard to put food on the table over the years... Sorry this was'nt short - it is very important for everyone to learn.


This is for all of OH, and hopefully PA


It appears we will be able to operate across state lines.


It really isn't a weak showing. Look at all the hits your sign up post has received. We'll get there.

Perhaps some people want to remain anonymous, they can send me a message saying they wish to be a part of the association.



The hits probably include PA members like me. To be honest, I was a little taken back that the proposed association came out as an Ohio only group. Fully understanding that each state is different, I think many on GMS may feel left out by identifying the association that way. There should be a way to set up a single entity that crosses state lines, then break it down into individual states and/or county chapters. I think you will find that everyone has more in common with each other than differences, regardless of State lines.


John L,

We are meeting with attorneys tomorrow to discuss the possibility of setting up one entity.



We will be able to include people regardless of their location.

So the question I have:  Will the association represent ALL OHIO Landowners or is this just for one specific County "MONROE".  I understand it may start in one, but should move to others quickly.  My acerage isn't up for mineral lease until I am satisfied, and I am a patient man.  Thanks to all.


This will be a state wide association. But logistically I think we will need sub groups such as by County.

Maybe there is a misunderstanding of what this effort is about.  I thought this was an effort to seperate the GMS landowner members in PA from the landowners in Ohio because each state has different laws and at times when a discussion is posted, one have to figure out which State is being talked about.  I'm years away from any oil and gas lease.


You got it.  This is for Ohio Landowners.  You hit the nail on the head, we have different laws and regulations.  However, we can always collaborate when it comes to National issues with associations from other states.


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