An appeal to NG proponents: STOP bolstering the arguments of our adversaries

Use of natural gas has many advantages.  But reduction of "climate change" or "global warming" is not one of those advantages.  Here is the "logic" often advanced by persons on the side of NG:

Burning of NG in place of other fossil fuels emits fewer oxides of carbon (aka "carbon emissions") and therefore reduces "global climate change" (aka "global warming")

This is rubbish.  Why?  Because neither "global climate change" nor "global warming", as propounded by our adversaries, even EXISTS!!!!!!!!!  When they lecture about "global warming" what they actually mean is anthropogenic (human induced) global warming.  This does not exist.  Global climate change does exist, and has existed since formation of this earth.  But it is unrelated to the activities of mankind.  Thus burning of NG, while wise and practical for a great many reasons, can and will not reduce "global warming".

Why this appeal to our friends?

When you claim NG use reduces "global warming" you are bolstering and supporting the argument, the entire belief system, of our enemies that use of ANY fossil fuel is bad and must stop ASAP.  NG is a wonderful fuel.  It is a blessing from God.  But it is a fossil fuel with which the fractivists wish to do away ASAP because (they wrongly believe) it will enhance "global warming" and destroy the earth.  It's not at all helpful when we bolster their erroneous, idiotic, cockamamie theories.

It's fine, and it is correct, to argue that NG use reduces pollution.  But remain aware that carbon is NOT a pollutant.  It is, instead, a naturally occurring part of earth's atmosphere and has been since day one!!

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Great point.

One of the first things you learn about debating is to establish your premise and then to dispute your opponents.

If you allow a discussion to be based upon the non-truth of man made global (anthropogenic) warming you have already lost the debate because you have accepted the basis of their argument. There is no such thing as man made (anthropogenic) global warming.

In fact, I would submit that global warming in general is a false premise.


Exactly.  We NG fans and supporters are very unwise if we make statements in support of our adversaries' premise.  They will use those assertions to crucify us.

Whether the earth is warming. cooling, or holding steady right now I cannot say.  This could be going either way, or it could be in stasis.  All I CAN say is that any change in climate we might, or might not, be experiencing is not being induced by human activity.  Earth climate change has been ongoing for "gazillions" of years with no help from us humans.


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