Anadarko assigns all its non core acreage and all wells in the Utica to Artex Energy Group LLC except a small area in the SE.

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Good, if they aint gonna drill here, get the hell out!

I believe their Zanesville off has closed. ODNR still has them as the owners of the assigned wells. The core acreage has huge value so I assume the acreage will be sold. Looks like they are gone.   Washington County  Volume 571 Page 51

Explain WLW.
The only thing Anadarko did for Coshocton county is turn the CR in Mill Creek Twsp into darn near landing strip for a 747. It will be interesting if Artex does anything with the well. I don't see where it's been plugged.
The document WLW mentioned(see image)

Makes you wonder if in fact Anadarko is just using Artex as a shell. Anadarko filed a temporary inactive pad status last month for the permitted well in Linton Twsp. Why do that if they are gone?

I'm in Noble county and I believe that Rex and Antero hold most of the leases NOW! Was Oxford then came Eclipse! who in the hech know's who owns what

Are any of the wells drilled by Anadarko plugged & abandoned?

Beware of this bunch !!!

 Very shady and dishonest .Classic oil company with only there

interests in mind and landowners area a nuisance.  If you are

dealing with them get the best counsel you can find out of the area .

Time has told . 

Is there any indication of what Artex intends to do with it's newly acquired acreage and leases?

Goat pasture? Nope, this is Lion, Zebra and Giraffe pasture.
If that is the case, why would Artex bother with it?


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