I kept waiting for someone to post this information to see how widely it was disseminated, but so far I haven't seen any confirmation here.  (If indeed this has been posted, I apologize for the duplicate entry.)

This is what I know: my parents received an announcement card--dropped off, not in the mail--informing them of an upcoming meeting to be conducted by Antero Resources' representatives.  My parents are under lease with Antero, as are most of their neighbors in Beaver Township, Noble County, so naturally my mother mentioned this meeting in casual conversation, but no one seemed to know about it.  My mother called other neighbors, and they didn't receive any notice either.  So she called Antero and was told there was no large mailout to other leaseholders, but my parents were given the notice in the hope that they would let others know! (Oh c'mon!)

Anyway, my mother was advised that indeed, some major principals traveling from Colorado to give everyone interested an overview of Antero's progress and various operational developments in Ohio.  In my mind, despite the lack of promotion, this is a significant outreach in the company's core area and would be worth attending.  I was hoping that others would go and report back; my parents will likely attend, but they are elderly and don't have the internet, so they wouldn't be posting any first-hand reports.

Here are the details as I know them:

Antero Resources Community Meeting--June 19, 2013

5PM to 7PM

Robert T. Secrest Senior Center

201 High Street, Senecaville, OH (Guernsey County)

I went to the Senior Center's website and this meeting was not listed on its calendar or activities list, but I'm not certain the website is closely maintained.

If anyone can confirm this meeting or wishes to discuss it afterwards, perhaps this thread can be used to consolidate comments or reactions (if indeed, the meeting does occur).

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Make sure you tell them not to sign anything. Well maybe sign in if they attend.

Ha!  Always a good recommendation, but I don't really think that this is THAT kind of meeting.  But you're right, better safe than sorry.  

There was an advertisement in the Sunday Daily Jeffersonian newspaper regarding the Antero Community meeting June 19th.  5PM - 7PM at the Secrest Center.

Thanks, Tony, I appreciate the confirmation.  Glad the news is out.

MIGHT SHOW UP JUST TO HEAR WHAT THERE INTEREST IS BEAVER TOWNSHIP! I FIGURE I AM OUT OF THE PLAY BUT NOT CERTAIN.                                                                                      


Bob:   What is the Wellfinder/G-R Contracting (Gary Rubel) litigation about?   I've not heard about that one.  Thanks   

The meeting played to an almost full house. During the first hour, an executive from Antero gave an overview of the drilling process and showed a sample of thee pipes and cement used to protect ground water from contamination. They also had samples of material used to protect the ground under the drilling pad. They introduced all of their key people and staff that probably included more than 50 people.

The second half of the meeting, which I found to be the most helpful, was a breakout that allowed us to meet individually with their staff members in charge of different areas of responsibility. I was able to meet with their person responsible for forming the drilling units, the guy responsible for disposing of drilling wastes, and the guy responsible for surface use agreements.

Although I have no land in the area they are working in now, I learned a lot that might help if they come my way in the future.

I was very surprised that there was no one there protesting the drilling in the Seneca Lake area as there is a very active contingent that would like to stop it.

Perhaps someone else can add more but this was my take away.
Sounds like you should have went to the meeting??
Umm, I believe I did ask a few real questions but did not include them in my overview of the meeting in order to give someone else a chance. I did learn from Sy Luke, the person on charge of forming units, that although he tries very hard to include much of the acreage of the landowner that ends up with the pad in the unit, there could be the possibility that the person stuck with the pad might not be included in the unit in accordance with ORC 1509.022.

I also learned something about how they determine whether or not a landowner whose land is HBP with a provision to drill another well gets paid a spud fee for a new horizontal well.

I guess it all depends on what you want to know.

I agree with Donna. If you had hoped "that a few informed GMS readers might attend and at least ask a few real questions" perhaps you should have been one of them.

I planned to attend with lots of questions but an unexpected funeral in another state prevented me. Just now returned. Unfortunate.

Any other attendees out there with notes from the meeting? tidbits from private conversations with some of the staff?

Honestly Bob, those are all excellent questions, but we'll never know if they would have been answered because you didn't bother to go, and just assumed if was a typical dog-and-pony show, which most turn out to be, because no one like you goes to ask questions. 

You were very presumptive about the meeting, which is what made it useless to you, but the fact is, with as many Antero representatives in attendance as there were, and as long as they were there, and the fact that there were that many breakouts, you could have easily cornered several of the officials and quietly asked questions, looked them in the eye, and see what knowledge you could have gained.  It wasn't necessary for someone to go and stand up in the room and put Antero on the spot (and some of those questions would definitely have put them on the spot, particularly anything concerning legal settlements). 

While you may have been disappointed (or disgusted) by the whole thing, surely you can understand why some of us who live 1,000 miles away are disappointed that someone with your knowledge base didn't bother to go.

  I wonder what they would have said if I asked about the entertainment they watch while fracking operations are going on? 


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