This is more on the humorous side. Since I've received large amounts in royalty and pipeline checks my bank acts so "suspicious" as to where this money is coming from. I've been asked numerous times if I get these checks regularly or if I was expecting to get this check. They act as if I received a bogus check in the mail and I'm trying to deposit it. It's so funny. Sometimes I'll bring large amounts of $20's (thousands of dollars worth) and exchange them for $100's and I get the same reaction. Do they think I'm money laundering? It's so funny. Hey bank people, get with the times because you will be seeing "big checks" all the time.

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Hey Zack, Why don't you mess with them a little by pretending they are bothering you with all these questions and you're considering changing banks! They might start shining your shoes and doing your laundry whenever they see you. LOL. Isn't it nice that you can pull the bank's strings instead of vice a versa. May you always be "in the money" my friend.

I heard of a guy in Belmont county getting so much $$$ from his royalties that he had to change banks because they couldn't handle it.

I am thinking of spreading our money around. FDIC only insures for $250,000. There are 7 banks in town and I already deal with 5 of them. I will put 250,000 in each bank and if I need to, I will open accounts in the the other 2 banks in town. Dad always said, " Money is like manure, not good unless it is spread." I'm gong to spread mine all over town. 

This year we started to get some very big checks. I usually do all the banking, but this Feb my husband wanted to go in and do it. He handed one check to the teller and told her he wanted it in $20s and the next check he told her he wanted it in $10s.  She took a minute, looked at him and said" Not today!" Hubby went and got a bigger mailbox because I told him that we would be getting bigger checks when they started paying us for all the new wells. LOL!

Funny story Sherre. Now I know why you always do the banking. lol

I Wish I had that Problem

I'm glad someone is getting a real bonus.

The bank I deal with would be shocked if the monthly royalty checks being paid by our favorite crooked Oil and Gas company exceeded a few hundred dollars.

I always take a minute to remind the tellers that Ohio is being stolen from by the big Oil & Gas company that is here to take the NGLs free, or better yet charge us for taking them, which they do every month.

This is how things are now, but I expect changes in the near future. Some of my letters are getting to the right people in Washington, and on the local front, the lawyers are seeing an opportunity to bust CHKs chops using my CHK Theft Spreadsheet.

"I regret that I have only one Chesapeake Theft Spreadsheet To Give To The Landowners Of My Country".

Rather be  more interesting to ask for a loan, be turned down then ask if a double the loan amount security deposit would help, then walk out!

It's funny too that when I deposit a large check in my savings or checking account they tell me only a certain amount will be available until the check clears. They say this when there are hundreds of thousands of dollars in my account.


If you have hundreds of thousands of dollars in your checking account, the question is why? Doing nothing? Sounds like you need to talk to a financial adviser. Also, remember after about a year you're royalty payments will drop about 50% due to reduction in volume from the well. Still not a bad position to be in!  LewPa

LewPa, I guess I'm just old fashioned. I stick the money in my checking and savings. Is it earning me anything....of course not, but to me it's safer that way. I won't invest in anything. I'm satisfied with what I have and don't have to rely on anything else.


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