Are there any Beaver County landgroups? Any info on offers available? When will any drilling start?

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I think that would be a good idea since I am not seeing much about beaver county.
I think there has been a recent flurry of activity in parts of Beaver and Lawrence. The only company I have heard offers from is Chesapeake. There offer is $1,500/acre and 12.5%. There are a couple of small groups of landowners who have gotten together to discuss.
I own 75 acres and was offered $200/ acre with mason dixon (Chesapeake affiliate) with 1/8th royalty and five years. He "said" they were going to start to drill in the fall but I doubt it. Probably another 18 months until it picks up. I'm in Hanover Twp off hardins run
Hey Jason
I am also on hardins run with 26 acres . a guy from frontier wants to buy. do you know anything about them, maybe we should talk?
Email me at I don't want to give my phone number out on the web.
I think I remember a gentleman from Frontier stopping by back in February 2010. He was up and down Whitehill where my farm is and was offering 0/an acre but 12.5% royalty when they drill. But what everyone needs to think about is that there will need to ne new pipelines to handle the high pressure. Those take time and capital. You don't want to sign with anyone, allow them to drill, and them to shut-in the well until they want to open it up.
Google Penn state extension for more indepth information on Marcellus leasing information. And before you sign, get with an attorney who specializes in gas leasing. There's one in Washington county by the name of Vanderman. Friends from Bentleyville have used him and I heard him speak at a PSU extension meeting in Greene County back in 2008. He's been writing leases for 20+ years.
Frontier is a lease flipper.........
the offer is ridiculous. Sounds like an opportunistic flipper trying to grab leases from unsuspecting property owners.
Equitable and Range are the two most active in applying for rig permits in Beaver county.
Interesting... I have only heard from Chesapeake and vague interest from East Resources.
And interestingly, of the three drilling permits issued by DEP this year for the county, 2 went to EQT and 1 to Range. I wonder how many acres these two have leased in the county?
In my area East Resources has a lot of land already leased (1000 acres or more that I know of personally) but I haven't heard of any drilling permits for them. Lawrence County that is, close to Beaver County line.
Lawrence County has been permitted for a well to be located on Wampum-Mt. Air Road.


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