I have heard reports about the upper Devonian Shale, Marcellus Shale @ 5300ft, Utica Shale @ 12000ft, and Oil below the Utica shale in Bradford county. With Geokinetics doing 3D seismic throughout the county, does anyone know where we can get information on estimated reserves for our area? Is there a geologist with access to the 3D data that would offer that service to landowners for a fee?


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Really? what are the permit numbers? I don't see any active oil wells in eastern PA on the DEP web site.

that is because there is no way to get it to market but!! it is there

I'm friends with an "old timer" who lives in NW Bradford County.  He is a gentleman in his eighties.


He told me that years ago, perhaps forty or fifty years ago, a drilling crew came into the area and struck oil "down deep".  Now "down deep" back then was likely at circa 3000-3500 feet.  They could not drill deeper.  But there's no question oil was struck.


However, and this is a BIG however:


The oil was apparently not available in paying quantities and it was never developed.


Much more recently, during our current ongoing gas drilling adventures, I did hear rumors (only) of oil having been struck by the gas drilling crews in the same general region.  But once again there was no production of the oil undertaken . . . at least not to my knowledge.  The sole focus was on Marcellus gas.


So there is some oil down there in western Bradford . . . . but probably not enough to matter . . . . at least not yet! 


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