Just how will Emperor Cuomo stifle this permit application?

Tioga County Farm Bureau president and member of the Snyder Farm Group Kevin Frisbie announces Wednesday, July 8, the five-farm family group's intentions to install a natural gas well underneath a hayfield in the Town of Barton. A press conference was held outside the town hall.(Photo: photos by KELLY GAMPEL / Staff Photo)

A proposal to frack for natural gas using gelled propane and sand was announced Wednesday morning at Barton Town Hall in Tioga County.

Snyder Farm Group spokesman Kevin "Cub" Frisbie said an application was filed yesterday with the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

FIRST WITH THE NEWS: We broke this story. Stop by 2, 3 or 4 times a day to stay fully informed.

More than 60 people attended the press conference, which was held outside the Town of Barton municipal offices.

The Snyder group is a collection of five Tioga County farm families that have leased land for natural gas development. The group is seeking to develop a 53-acre natural gas well in Halsey Valley, N.Y., which is in the Town of Barton, Tioga County — about 25 miles south of Ithaca and 30 miles east of Elmira.

The well pad would occupy about 31/2 acres on Ernest "Bucky" Snyder's 150-acre hay and corn farm.

The group has applied for two drilling permits, Frisbie said.

The well would get drilled into the Utica Shale formation, about 9,500 feet underground, according to Frisbie. "Then we will do a horizontal turn and go into the Marcellus Shale at approximately 4,400 feet," he said.

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nope you can see how  it runs out in the ne corner of ohio      the map was just released and that is the most current data on the extent of the profitable Utica.......   yes the Utica formation is larger but not all is profitable.......waterless fracking been going on in other plays in the usa and Canada for atleast 5 years.....long time before further development of the Utica outside of what has already been started  there are thousands of wells to be drilled in what is proven acreage ..........more sweetspots are not to be found u are working from the core out already

Nope - you can only see where they chose to stop development.

You wrote: 'the map was just released and that is the most current data on the extent of the profitable Utica.......'; and I think you should have suffixed it with 'so far' or 'yet'.

They only develop what they want to develop when they want to develop it.

They only make public what they want to make public.

They are so empowered to paint any kind of picture they choose.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were a new world order natural gas and oil cartel staging development to suit themselves.

That's right; the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Russia, South America, Chinese (Communist), other Asian Country Oil and Natural Gas Developers / Producing entities working together staging it all including war making.

How's that for 'The Mother Of All Conspiracy Theories' ?

I, personally, would not be surprised.

As always JMHO.


enervest  mountaineer CHK  halcon hillcorp be usa are all working together to not produce the northern part ....saving it for a rainy

day ,,,  hope and a dream........  did the new world oil cartel set down and dicide to not develop Ashtabula county  or did geology say it was not worth beusa still in business haven't seen one well they are producing and they are the one and only permit holder in Ashtabula county how many wells are being drilled at this time by halcon or hillcorp where did bp go is enervest permitting or drilling near you


You don't read you just write.

You're hopeless.


Did you download the report in David P's. linked article ?

You ought to take a peek at it.

Alot of good info.

Did you download the Report from your linked article ?

I did a few minutes ago.

Alot of info.

Thanks for your post and link.


Hi Joe,

Yes I did. The report has much new info and is worth spending some time on. Patchen has done many other reports that I have read, so he is a very credible source. Towards the end, they focus on porosity and how it seems to be the biggest limiting factor for economic recovery. That is of course based upon current technology, some day they may figure out how to coax out oil and gas in the tight spots.

Hello David,

We're close - but, I'm in the camp that believes they already know how to coax the production out of any geology in the world.

I think it's just that some geologies require more expensive methods than others; and that they choose to recover the least expensive production 1st.

Alot of factors can affect what's considered economical and what's not - and I think judgements on that score can change in a heartbeat.

Good luck to all of us.

Stay in the loop Dude - your posts are alway a good read.


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