Is anybody noticing the deductions by Encinco. In addition to some taxes they are now deducting for “production costs”. When asked she said all leases are being reviewed and after that, the deductions would be refunded if they weren’t to deduct them. Said it would take months before they are done. Mine amounted to almost 1/3 of gross. 

Wonder if this is their way of getting cash and then will pay back months later. I didn’t notice it until now as they didn’t get the online owner info working until now. Waiting for June’s report but sounds like they are going to keep up the deductions until they finish review of all leases.

Is there anything we can do

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Like experience here when I inquired. We have a KWGD lease.   I certainly hope she/they are true to their word.   I will give them accolades for publishing the true product sell prices and then identifying deductions taken.  CHK's strategy was/is to significantly discount the product pricing and not list any deductions on the statements.  

I agree at least you see the deduction

ENCINO is Houston based, Encana is Canadian

Worse than that Inchworm.

The Parent Company of Encino Energy is Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
which has offices around the world which can be seen here:

Based on the location of the offices, I would say this is more money Mafia, New World Order, World Bank trying to use US Oil as an income for their NWO plans.

Last time I posted this message I included HSCB, the Hong Kong Shanghi Canada Bank, well known for money laundering and corruption world wide.  Both HSCB and CPPIB are the same in my book.

Sounds like we went from bad(Chesapeake), to worst,(Encino)?
I’m beginning to think so.

If Encino is in West Virginia, it is probably the Company that folks in Tyler County said took over Chesapeake's  holdings.

Scott Sonda of Sonda Farms who was the most Outspoken WV Landowner told me that the new company was as bad or worse than Chesapeake. I emailed him a few months back and asked if the New Thieves were Encino but I didn't get an answer.

For a  while longer. No one can stop what is coming, No One!

Find my posts with the Executive Orders to stop Corruption and Military Tribunals at GITMO, DC and other locations.

You can go to to find all Executive Orders signed by Our President Trump.

I prefer Encino's transparency myself, as it relates to a potential legal challenges for violation of the lease agreement language. 

Randy, You are an optimist, finding good in a bad situation. 

We won't be taking Encino to Court. Those who are indicted for Corruption will be going to a Military Tribunal. If found guilty of Corruption which will be obvious by their Bank Accounts having been stuffed with Our Stolen Royalties well above their salary, their personal assets will be placed in the US Treasury to become the property of We The People.

Encino will be placed in the US Treasury when their owners are Indicted. The executives, ceo and board of directors that are currently hanging around in Houston Texas will also be Indicted.

If I were an Executive in Encino or any other foreign owned company in US Domestic Oil during this time of War, I would be sweating bullets that I might be seen as committing Treason or Spying. That will cost each found guilty of either crime their lives.

When Our President Trump says that an "Example" must be made of those who attacked him over Russia Collusion, and "we can't allow this to ever happen to another President or Presidential Candidate", he means HANGINGS for TREASON.

Examples will be made of Hollywood Actors, past and present governors, Main Stream Media, Corporations that have attempted to steal Our wealth and sell us out to the elite/ Globalists who had very evil plans for every US Citizen.

I won't go any deeper for now.

We also have a gross lease and our first Encino check had the same deductions.  I called Encino HQ in Houston on Monday and left a voicemail for the COO, Ray Walker, informing him that Breach of Contract was no way to start off a successful relationship.  Within the hour I received a phone call from Betty Hammer, in the Land Administration Department.  Betty was very nice, very apologetic, had reviewed our lease and said that they were working to correct the erroneous deduction situation as soon as possible.  She said that the Owner Relations Department was misinformed and should not be telling owners that the deductions were intentional and would be going forward indefinitely. I suggest that you call Encino directly at 281.254.7070

Thanks so much. Will do that and see what response I get


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