Why are we fighting the wrong battle? Instead of Fighting to Allow Hydrofracing using WATER, we could be pooling our resources to REQUIRE Hydrofracing to USE "Liquified Petroleum" ..

http://ww.gasfrac.com, a Toronto based firm, developed a technology 4 years ago to use essentially "Propane"  as the FRACING fluid..

1. NO Water exposure

2. NO Pollution

3. doubles production on all wells

4. NO cleanup after

5. Half the ware and tear on the roads

6. over 300 Wells currently in production out in the midwest

7. you undercut any arguement from environmental groups


Sadly, almost no one is talking about this



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Mike...where were you when we negotiatied our lease?...wow...could have used that sternness with the landman!  that was a compliment by the way...you surely help us to get our homework done!   since I met you on these discussions I am now reading and understanding my lease better and taking the time to understand the process.  Partly so I can understand your input here and in other discussions and partly cause I surely should.

Which leads me to the next question...is using the propane way considered 'enhancement'?

Given the coice of 2 evils , the lesser always wins , except if you are a BANK.. And please Mike,

 CALL them first and ask yourself, I am giving a first hand account of my conversations, you are giving your opinion as well as prejudiced view..  Let them answer your question directly and correctly. your experience in this field will allow for a much more in depth analysis and view.. that could be beneficial to everyone..

assume what they claim is true, you could be one of the first in the area to jump on the band wagon, and make a fortune

Assume it's not true, you would still be in a much more certain position in developing a WATER based business when you are called to repair or redo a Well the failed..


either way you win, but simply talking and opinionating gets you nothing...


... 5m is total cost estimate, but no cleanup costs or risks

as for the MIX, it is a modifed Propane molecule, so not anywhere near as TOXIC as the chemicals you are asking me to use in WATER..



Jean, From what I can tell, Mike buys leases.... He does not drill or operate the well. It should be noted that the Lessor can not tell the Lessee (O&G operator) what to do.... just don't work that way.  


understood ;-)  , my only point with this discussion, is Why use water when it not required? I am waiting on answer from several gas companies

Now, about $80 million in services equipment needs to be on site for some wells, versus $20 million in equipment two years ago. The huge need for equipment and people means that smaller players do not have the people, equipment, or capital needed to keep up with the larger players. As the services equipment broke down in the shale plays during the downturn, Halliburton took advantage of its strong financial position by investing in new replacement capacity, and stole huge swaths of market share from its smaller peers.



.Current Stock Chart Performance for GASFRAC ENERGY SERVICES INC (GFS)



GASFRAC Energy Services, Inc., a well fracturing company, offers liquid gas fracturing services to the oil and gas industry. The company develops the Vantage liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fracturing process. GASFRAC Energy Services was incorporated in 2006 and is based in Calgary, Canada.

Founded in 2006






Hal       Market cap                        36.28bil


Gasfrac    Market cap                            652.mil




It looks interesting, but it maybe a long row to hoe.







as with everything, it must artart somewhere.. and personally, I m satisfied with the technology, as my own research confirmed 95% of the claims.  the missing 5% is proprietary.. since don't know

but my bet is if enouh people and officials are made aware of options besides WATER, you will see a change...

who knows , Haliburton could wind up buying the ctech or even Exxon etc..




I have nothing to gain from talking to them and I have no interest in hearing a multi-hour pitch from them.    I am just relaying my first hand knowledge and asking you to substantiate your exceptional claims.  The burden of proof is on you, not me.   When you come on here and make exceptional claims and purport them to be FACT, you really need to offer some kind of evidence to back them up.   Had you have come on here and said "there's this fracing company that CLAIMS this and CLAIMS that", it's one thing, but you're arguing this like you're a founding member of GASFRAC without any empirical data. 


Unless you see what is in the PROPRIETARY CHEMICAL MIX (which you don't), you have NO BUSINESS saying what is and what isnt more toxic. 





even in my field of Computers , technology changes constantly, and always presents new opportunities and challenges.. The very concept that you espouse about your industry indicates that it is stagnant,unchanging, and cannot be improved with new Ideas..

I have stated my sources (certainly not out of my "ass"), and without so much as a phone  call on your part to anyone, you dismiss my statements..

yes, I have done chemistry before and researched the Propane Molecule and it's properties.. and what I have been able to dicern so far, is they modified the proton area of the molecule as well as reduce the number of electrons , thus allowing less  volotility..

now, that does not in anyway sound chemically dangerous as what is put in WATER fraking..

Most chemists would agree, but that would require YOU to actually do research on your own, something you seem either too lazy or not equiped to do.. I never claimed (not once) I was 100% certain it was less dangerous, simply that all indications and research on my part point that way...

you much prefer dismissing people or anyone who objects to your point of view, even if your point of view may be out of date..  and missing new information

the gentleman Mark Ayers heremakes a clear statement about the explosive growth of this technology, backing my claims, and rendering yours as nothing but rhetoric..

Sorry, until you actually do some of your own work here, your comments mean little

Jean, If your field is in computers, you may relate to this. Linux is considered by some to be far superior to Windows, however the major computer manufactures refuse to offer Linux pre-installed as they do Windows. Could it be that the O&G operators view water frac as computer manufactures view Windows?

It is a good anology, but again, our industry continues to change and adopt new technology. And even Windows share of the market is diminishing in relation to MAC and LINUX. Soon, with vitualization there will be little to distiguish OSes.. And you can preload LINUX )redhat on any server from the major vendors ;-) Just bought 5 from DELL with  LINUX

My thoughts here along the NG drilling line is, if GASFRAC is correct, and no one (no customers)  so far is calling them liars or exagerators, coupled with the massive growth you clearly demonstrated earlier, that it could be a game changer        

I spoke to 2 of their customer companies, and they basicallty backed up the company's claims, even to the point, they are planning new wells this year with the same technology

You know I just read some of the recent posts....I admire each of you for your contributions and so many of us depend on each of you to offer your best to this forum.....so please it is cold and it is difficult these last few days for many...how about having something warm to drink  (if the electric is on..for some it isn't) and come back to the forum and apologize to one another...and let's keep sharing cause this is really good information.   You all have given me such insight already not just in this discussion but in others and I really enjoy looking for your posts. 

  I am most likely  older than each of you and have learned over time that we all have our moments that we really want to share but cannot get our point across without getting a bit upset...   I have had those moments also but maybe not as bold with my words (then again maybe bolder, God knows).  And it could be that you both are right in each of your viewpoints to some degree.

I greatly appreciate your comments, and strangly , have been without Electric as well at times

not fun

My one and only point is to do your own research and then discuss. I have spent many hours / days tracking down people directly involved and I came away with what I believe is wonderful news for all Land owners in NYS as well as citizens of NYC..

Their (NYC) fear is  drinking water contamination, and whether or not O&G want to admit it, their have been mistakes made. So instead of scaring them or allowing them to be scared, If a way exists, that puts everyone at ease, why should we not investigate it? at the very least make it part of the conversation, and see if we can help everyone?

My own research at present, has me convinced, but I am only one person. There is strength in numbers, and I am simply putting out information for my fellow land holders to evaluate and come to their own conclusions..





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