Does anyone foresee any enviroment problems with the drilling?

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Isn't the main concern the produced water? I understand there are quite a few concerns about that?
I think that would be a main issue, considering drilling down hitting veins of water that is supplying well water. I hope all issues have been addressed before signing the dotted line.....easy money isnt always easy....

I wish all the misinformation would stop about drinking water/aquifiers being contaminated.

I was told that they were running the cemented casings down to 1000 feet to eliminate any water contamination problems.

The only situation in Pa, that i am aware of,  that contaminated wells was where the cementing of the multiple casing was faulty. 


Mr, Ball,

 The water veins as you call them are cased off with casing and cemented back to surface as

per PA State Law.

The flowback solution coming out of the well can be problematic. Two of the major players are recycling a large portion of the flowback as we speak, with one of them planning to be reusing 100% of the flowback later this year. You must give the Gas Cos credit for moving along with new technology in a timely fashion. 

The only problems they will have will be lazy regulators, lazy employees, or the occasional equipment failure. I don't see any of these causing any lasting problems. So, no I'm not really concerned.


I have just started to learn about the gas drilling, that was just a dumb question I had, thats some good points Craig.


When dealing with such a 'sensitive' topic as drilling and fracking, there are NO dumb questions! We are all( well mostly all) on the learning curve one way or another : )   There are lots of knowledgeable people here. Best thing you could do would be to spend a few hours reading past threads. It would give you a good overall snapshot of who the good informational posters are and who are the &^(^&%&%*, well you know what i mean. 


I welcome the responsible companies that have come into our area. The problem IMHO is that when you have no oversite and the workers are poorly trained that the people that live near the problem sites end up living with the problems for the rest of their lives. People are so glad for the badly needed money in the ag areas that the research into the firms they signed with have tended to be mostly "out of staters" that don't understand our life here in the countryside.


I believe also that when you have hundreds of trucks going 100 feet from your drinking wells and you can feel the house vibrate that it is possible that the drinking water is disrupted. It might not be the actual drilling process. Most of our roads were never intended for the traffic nor the speed that these trucks are doing.


Lets all remember that nothing is completely safe and we all need to be careful to maintain both the lifestyle and the investment being made in the communities.

Good post Katheline.

I must say that if your well is disrupted by such activity as rumbling from the trucks or any other source then your well was never cased properly to start with. Old wells(50 yrs or so) may have this problem, but newer ones should never have it.

Our well is 25 years old (275 feet deep) and cased (we had this done ourselves to standards set by the DEA). When you have as many as a hundred heavy trucks in a couple of hours going 40 or 50mph it can disrupt the ground enough to cause problems. Our house actually had things get knocked off the furniture and shelves. I had to force the truckers to follow our posted speed limit of 25mph and one trucker was actually fired for his refusal to follow the law.


Another well is due to be started now. Three other permits (that I know of) are to be worked this year. The dust, exhaust, speeding, noise and our gassing is nothing to look forward to as far as I am concerned. I just pray that this being the fourth year with this will be the last year for us to have to contend with.

What are all those truck carrying?


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