Have you received an offer to buy your minerals? What State/County/Township are you in?

I'm in Ohio/Noble/Marion and continue to receive offers.  14 so far by mail, and another arrived yesterday.  Post your information and I'll draw a map of "mineral interest".    Have your offers increased, remained constant, or stopped coming?  Just curious, and it might be fun.  Thanks.

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LL&B Minerals offered me 9,000 on my leased acreage in Millwood Twp, Guernsey County.

What percentage ownership were they assuming with that offer, Scott?


One of our clients is very close to your location and has received an offer from LL&B but it was only about 70% of your offer..

They want 100% ownership of my minerals and I have 140 acres leased with Gulfport. Offer was $9,000 per acre.

How many acres were they willing to pay $9,000 for and were the 140 acres included in the offer or was it in addition to the 140 you have leased?

The whole 140 was included in the offer & that is my entire acreage.

May I ask what part of Millwood twp.?  Cant find your acreage on the Guernsey co. Parcel viewer. Is Scott Peterson your Screen name? Or did your recently purchase the property and maybe they haven't updated the map?

PM me Bo. Screen name to keep the sharks out of my pond.

What made you choose Scott Peterson as a screen name?  I'm curious because of the, you know, wife murdering thing. 

Haha i never even thought of that actually. Sounded better than smith or jones i guess.

It is indeed better than some of the other choices out there.

I see. Well it sounds like it was a comptetive offer to say the least but that must mean your land had a more robust set of mineral rights than the standard O&G. One more question is, are there any other deposits (i.e. Timber, "shale oil" (this one is a little newer and something some of the firms aren't even disclosing) etc..)?

Hey bo how does the parcel viewer thing work. 


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