Pro-Landowner Royalty-Deduction Bill Passes Out of Committee: See how they voted (HB1684)

Yea votes stand with the land owners of Pennsylvania, Nays do not!!!! We landowners need to support those who support us. We cannot forget these people who fight for what's right for the people of Pennsylvania. The fight isn't over yet.

Let's thank Rep. Garth Everett for sponsoring this legislation

Phone: (717) 787-5270

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So what exactly are these crooks up to, trying to screw us on royalties? I can see why all the drilling is going on in Ohio.

Michael, here an article discussing it.

We have been discussing this issue for a couple years now. However, it seems to be getting some national traction as of late. From Tom Fowler's piece in the WSJ:

The company's deductions have caused such an uproar that state legislators have introduced a bill to clarify the current law's somewhat vague language about royalty payments and reinstate the 12.5% minimum. The Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the state's House of Representatives is scheduled to hold a hearing on the bill this month.

In a letter to Gov. Corbett last month, Chesapeake Energy Chief Executive Doug Lawler said most of the company's Pennsylvania leases allow for deductions. When royalty disputes arise, the company tries to reach a deal with landowners if it can, his letter said, as it did last year by settling a class-action lawsuit over one kind of deduction.

Larry Moffett, a lawyer representing landowners in the lawsuit, said the settlement will cost Chesapeake $7.5 million by current estimates, but that the figure will probably rise, depending on how many landowners join the suit and are eligible for reimbursements. It could ultimately cover several thousand people, he said.

Michael, this may be old hat to you, but on the offchance that you may have missed it, you may wish to check this out:

There are 2 articles detailing the specifics of the many ways that CHK does its thing (Legal theft or contract dispute).


This vote need to be posted and re-posted so the poeple of P.A know who is fighting for them! I would like to commend Garth Everett and all the Representative who stood up for whats right for the people of P.A their job is to protect us!!

Does this affect mineral owners or not? I own some minerals in Greene county, Pa. Thanks. Debra Pennell

Debra, of course this affect any and all property owners in the state of P.A. it means you will get your fair share for your minerals!!


sure, elect all democrats.

one thing that will accomplish for certain is that there will be a severance tax on our royalties.

an extra 5-7% in deductions on top of what the gascos take.

yeah, that makes sense doesn't it?


Thank you Philip,

Very interesting and concise.


I am not the only person that used the word Screwing!  


What would you propose? Darlene is going the petition route. What are you recommending?


Jim, this is not a constitutional issue the law was there to protect the people. Some company just interpreted the way they see fit. It was put in place from day one to protect the people.! 


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