Hey Clinton Supporters! HilLIARy admits she is against shale development! Still want to vote for her?

A young lady asked HilLARy if she supported "frackiing". To paraphrase her answer, she said no.

So a HilLARy Presidency means the end of the economic benefits resulting from shale development; the end to the jobs created by shale development; the end of increased tax revenue to struggling local governments and school districts.

If you vote for HilLIARy you are voting against the well being of your families, your children, your friends. You are voting against the well being of your communities.

How will you live with yourselves? Traitors!

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Has anyone listened to Trump? God forbid if he gets elected. Looks like he would create a ruckus in any high level meeting with any of the world's leaders if they dare to protest anything he said!  Seems like all the republican candidates are fearful Trump is going to destroy the republican party.  Just about anyone but trump is better qualified to lead, (democrat or republican), our country!

If HiLIARY is elected will we have to pay the Clinton foundation when she makes a speech?

No, those who are serving in an elected office are barred from collecting a speaker's fee. It is considered to be part of their job as a public servant..But I think your inquiry may have been tongue in cheek.


She has already sold her office over the last two years; giving speaches and accepting donations from large corporations and foreign governments.

However, Bill is still free to take bribes uh, honorariums for speeches, and those who pay the bribes sorry, honorariums to Bill will expect favors from HilLIARy if she is President.

Don't forget, one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation is Saudi Arabia. Gee, I wonder what favors they might want from a President Clinton? Maybe policies and regulations that kill shale development?

Just asking.

Unfortunately the Saudi connection was forged long before the Clintons.

Arbusto Oil, the Carlyle Group and the bin Laden Connection


Agreed. On my way to vote against Mr. Trump in the primary.

WRONG! At least Trump is not a Socialist like the democrats. We don't need any more politicians running our lives! Trump says out loud what the majority of us are thinking. About "Obama care" about "Muslim's" about all the other issues that are important to our way of life. If you don't want to live in a Capitalist nation then move out! There are planes leaving every hour for France and Sweden and Russia and other Socialist/ Communists countries. They'd be glad to have you....  

So may I assume from your statements that you will not/do not  accept Social Security or participate in Medicaid? That you oppose and did not benefit from free public education? Most democracies have some aspects of socialism to ensure basic supports for the most vulnerable members of society

Things just aren't' as simple as all that - socialist OR capitalist. I agree,Trump is not a socialist  I am not sure what he is because he seems to say whatever is expedient at the time. In the last debate 68% of what Trump stated was found to be "lies" or "pants on fire." Cruz was rated 36%, Rubio 24% and Kasich 11%. Trump will say whatever it takes to win.

Not only does Hillary hate fracking she hates coal miners and coal companies I heard her say they'd be put out of business because she would put so many regulations on both they would go bankrupt .. Tell her to go to hell!!!!

Not only the foundation, but Bill's ex's and Whitewater fees.
Great clip. I am no fan of Hilary. The RT logo in the clip stands for Russian Telivision. We need to ask why Putin likes Trump?


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