I have been hearing of companys offering $12000, $13000 even $15000/ acre to buy mineral rights. So far I haven't been able to find out who is making these offers. If you've received an offer in this range could you please tell me who made it? Thanks.
Also, keep this in mind:
This summer past we were enticed (not really) to allow a company access to our property so they could drill holes into the ground and detonate explosives which would give them some knew insight into rock formations of some interest to the industry.
Generous offer.......$5 an acre.
We refused, obviously, but our refusals were ignored until the day two folks came to the house wanting to negotiate access to our property, asking if there was an offer that would have us change our minds.
Starting at $5 an acre, prolly not.
The nice lady then asked of our leasing status before she proceeded to try to tempt us by telling us how it would help us get drilled, which I found interesting, only because the drilling was fast and furious around here already.
Which lead me to my next question for her, "What else is down there that you are looking for" ?
That turned out to be all I had to say, I have not heard from them since.
So, a cautionary note, I strongly suspect that there are additional formations below the Utica that are of interest to the industry, the technology will eventually catch up to producing them, and that will mean another revenue stream.
If you haven't sold your mineral royalties surface to core.
Thank you, Mr. Santiago.
Based on Mr. deutchen's initial posting, hard numbers are the only thing that are appropriate here.
Your post is very helpful. It illuminates well, the wide variability not expressed in the E&R projections published for the consumption of their investors.
Thank you. Was that $9,000 per acre offer or was that $9,000 total? $1,714.28 per acre? Was that a recent offer? What township? county? Thanks.
An offer of 18000 per unleased mineral acre to purchase was made by bounty minerals for land in Jackson township Monroe County Ohio in December 2014
I will tell you what......you secure a 20 percent true gross lease with no enhancement clause for this acreage and I will pay you 5000 dollars.......I am not too worried about having to pay up but if you actually could get such a lease done it would be worth it......some on this thread keep using the 20 percent number...let's see how easy it is to get it......... BTW. I did not take the offer......
Neither. My parents owned the land till 2014. They wanted no part of drilling leasing selling etc.......after my mother passed ,my father moved and signed the land to his children......you should not assume negative things about other people. Until you know them well
But if there really is 200k per acre to be had one would think someone would be eager to lease my little parcel.
In my opinion, based on the level of ridicule and the industry vernacular used by Mr. Ed, it is increasingly clear that he is a leasing agent.
His vile reaction to my query regarding his relationship to the industry, rather than simply qualifying himself as he demands others do, would seem to bely a wish to conceal, and assurances of a concrete payback based on inconcrete factors are standard operating procedure for a broker.
His use of the term "day rate landman", further suggests to me that he is not only a landman, but either an independent or a commission-based landman.
It is also curious that, upon my disengaging from our unpleasant exchanges, all of his posts related to our conversation seem to have been deleted.
Puzzled, you are too hung up on the $200,000 an acre part.\
Whatever is to be realized from production of the well as it pertains to your lease you will be offered about 10% of that figure to sell your royalties.
That is key, the 10% part, 10% of your money from your lease on your land.
all I can tell you is that the offer was made in December 2014
It's interesting that the price of natural gas has not dropped hardly at all, at least compared to a price of a barrel of oil. Natural gas is not a useful byproduct of drilling for oil in the Bakken because there is no infrastructure to take it away. It's just flared off. So it was never a factor on the supply side of natural gas. The Utica was always more of a wet gas play than an oil play or even dry gas.
A former CEO of a big oil refinery company said he thought gasoline would be up to $5 per gallon by 2016. And that worldwide oversupply is not so far ahead of demand, that it justifies the large drop in oil.
I think the drop in crude oil may be short lived. Also once Cheniere gets their LNG export station going there could be a lot more demand for natural gas.
I read that too.......I also read that the drop in oil is here to stay due to a global slowdown..........Deflation will set in economies will collapse.......dogs and cats will live together etc........if the insiders and experts don't agree what will happen it is anyone's guess.......
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