Looks like Josh is on the loose again...


House Republicans directed Capitol Hill police to detain a highly regarded documentary crew that was attempting to film a Wednesday hearing on a controversial natural gas procurement practice. [...]

Josh Fox, director of the Academy Award-nominated documentary "Gasland" was taken into custody by Capitol Hill police this morning, along with his crew, after Republicans objected to their presence, according to Democratic sources present at the hearing.



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   Environmentalists my not be evil but they do not debate well. I want to know the truth, but they never seem to be able to support their views with facts.


If you were to ask any extremist drilling opponent where they originally got their information, nine times out of ten, they will answer "Gasland".

Have you ever looked at some of the posts on Gasland's Facebook page?  Or here's one - how many people have received "the cancerous deer" post?  The picture of that "tumor-laden" deer that "someone's sister's boyfriend's first-cousin-once-removed's relative shot somewhere near Dimock" or "it was found near a frack pond in Arkansas".  If one were to get curious enough and spend enough time researching it, here is what they would find in about three minutes: - take a gander down the page and you will see the very same picture (out of the five pictures, the middle one on top is the one I saw) that someone copied and pasted and purposely misrepresented as being caused by fracing.  You can see by reading the article and the final comment that this deer suffered from a virus not caused by drilling in any way.

There is one of the problems that I see.  Most of us who support drilling go the distance and understand the issues, and I am not saying there aren't any issues nor am I against protecting the environment.  But when people who are against drilling in any form resort to using these tactics, many are all lumped into the same bag and, as a result can be given little credibility as to the rest of their claims.

Or how about the extremist anti-drilling groups that come out against anything that has to do with natural gas?  One example is in Dallas, PA (not Texas), a group of landowners signed to have a natural gas pipeline go across their property.  A group of individuals got together and tried to stop it as they also did for a compressor station because "it was too close to an elementary school".  But wait, guess what the elementary school heats with?  Yep, natural gas and the elementary school lies along the same route as another natural gas line that was laid in the sixties.

I will gladly try to inform a person who is genuinely interested in hearing the issues with natural gas and the procedures in place to deal with them, because that is the way we petition for better regulations.  I will do so to the best of my ability and knowledge, or send them in a direction to learn more if their questions are above and beyond me.  However, I have been "baited" numerous times by people who personally could care less if drilling is being done safely, or even whether further regulations could improve the safety, they just don't want it done at all.  It is with those cases that I ask people please pardon me if a I get a little bit pissy, but if my attempts to inform so that a compromise can be made are to a person with a hidden agenda, I tend to not be a very nice person.

Also, out here on the east coast, we deal with a lot of extremists I refer to as "Yabbots".  They put one issue in front of you and after you address that one calmly and reasonably with facts, they say, "Yea, but.." and then move onto another issue, usually a myth pulled from their arsenal of never-ending half-truths and misinformation, and you just know they haven't even tried to digest the first bit of information they've been given.  I have watched the same people, time and again, ask the same question at half a dozen different meetings.  I don't know whether they are hoping for a different answer or just plain ignorant.

Then there are the childish tantrums and those who now are led to believe that civil disobedience is an acceptable way to deal with those who don't agree that drilling should be shut down NOW or all the water in the world is going to be poisoned.  The following actually happened - a drilling opponent walked into a tent set up for pro-drilling people to visit at one of the DEC hearings in New York State in December.  He started throwing chairs around and yelling how we were out to ruin the earth.  One of those chairs almost hit a three-year-old girl.  Is this acceptable? No.

This IS the point it has reached out here in Pennsylvania and New York.  We have had holes shot in pit liners, we have had O&G company storage buildings burnt down, and why?  Because Josh Faux and his followers have few facts to back up their claims, preferring instead to rely on fear-mongering and misinformation and antics.  Those are not people who want to compromise - those are people with an agenda and will do ANYTHING to get their wish which is NO DRILLING.


You are welcome, but I really just call it as I have seen and experienced it.

Also, I don't know why the tent set phrase wants to take you to ebay, but if anyone (Hello Keith? Are you out there?) can disengage it, please do so.  I'm sure it's user error, but if nothing else I will delete and re-post.

And it does so again?!?!

Sherry wrote...

"Also, out here on the east coast, we deal with a lot of extremists I refer to as "Yabbots".  They put one issue in front of you and after you address that one calmly and reasonably with facts, they say, "Yea, but.." and then move onto another issue, usually a myth pulled from their arsenal of never-ending half-truths and misinformation, and you just know they haven't even tried to digest the first bit of information they've been given.  I have watched the same people, time and again, ask the same question at half a dozen different meetings.  I don't know whether they are hoping for a different answer or just plain ignorant."

Makes you feel sometimes like we're playing a giant game of "Whack-a-Mole" doesn't it? As soon as we present them with the truth about one issue they have twisted beyond recognition, they just move on to some other thing that they can misrepresent to further their agenda.

The problem I think most of us have with Mr Fox is that he is telling a story, not a documentary based on real, verifiable facts. He panders to the apartment-dwelling have-nots of the world who have no stake in all this and want part of ours. If you dig far enough into the environmentalist movement, you will find that the forces behind it don't really give a rats @$$ about the environment, they really want ever-increasing control over the masses. Those of us who have taken on the risk of owning real property are a threat to those who want to control us. The root forces behind the environmentalist movement will use rank and file environmentalists (who truly are concerned about their air, water, world) to help do their bidding and reduce our rights as real property owners.

 Perhaps you might be fairly new here. May I suggest you look at this thread 

Technology for Safer Fracking is Coming!

  As you will see even myself have put input into better practices to keep the environment safe as well as others. You will see very little cooperation from those that want to ban drilling. 

 You have a lease you state, you have money while others still a wait that possibility, you do not need to worry if a ban makes your property unleaseable. 

 There are environmentalist that do care and I am glad that they love to keep waterways clean and Public Property clean. However when their reasoning can be so extreme that their demands can kill senior citizens because of rate increases they create something is wrong!  When environmentalist can with a stroke of a pen put thousands of Americans out of work I have a problem with that.

 Jeff you are a enemy to anti frackers now mater what you say , the only give they will give to you is a extended moratorium till they ban the fracking upon any well you may get upon your property.  

@Jeff D.

That wouldn't be a start - we are already there and have been.

I don't think you can find one landowner here who doesn't think we need new sources of energy.

I don't think you can find one landowner here who wants to harm our environment through developing the resources beneath our land.

Many of us have our life's work invested in our property and have worked to improve it and leave it in better shape than we found it. We are the original environmentalists yet we are demonized by the anti crowd who don't own property but think they know better what we should do with ours.


jeff D, point taken.

Hands ya a Miller time!

It is frustrating when people blindly accept work like Gasland as the gospel truth without taking the 5 minutes required to find out that it is about 99% hot air. I can respect anyone who does their homework and truly cares about the environment and is willing to deal in factual information - on either side. I probably care as much about it as any environmentalist. I have very little respect for the me-too types who latch onto something like Gasland without verifying it.


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