Beyond the growth:

Emissions from electric generating plants dropped over 14% between 2005-2017

Natural Gas - Better for the economy, Better for the environment.

Better for our way of life.

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Agree absolutely, Old Timer.  In Ohio, First Energy which is operating under bankruptcy right now and runs 2 or 3 nuclear plants and, I guess, the rest run on coal.  Murray Energy is its main coal supplier.  Mr. Murray has had several "dates" with Trump to discuss "issues" so I don't suppose there could be any possibility of conflict of interest or collusion, could there?  Then, there are those two new nuclear plants on the SC/GA border that are in trouble (see Westinghouse/Toshiba).

It seems to me that it would be more worthwhile to address Puerto Rico's problem.  That's one of the largest power systems in the U.S. but it uses 5% solar (compared to the usual 15%), 45% "oil" and the rest coal.

I believe Puerto Rico i suffering more from the devastation to their entire generating and distribution networks with no where for the electric to go anyhow because of the devastation to so many homes.

The percentage of solar power there has nothing to do with it.

And without peeking I will bet that insane regulating driven by alternative energy dreamers and anti-coal people like everyone obama ever chose to have around him for 8 years is responsible for the problems with the new nuclear power plants you mention.

This country lost 10 years during the last two presidential administrations due to incompetence of many stripes. There are many reasons for the improving economy but it all starts with President Trump.

Without his leadership there would be no true recovery as we are seeing now. No deregulation, no tax reform, no addressing the horrendous trade imbalances and abuses of our trade partners and certainly no energy policy sanity.

Yes natural gas is great at reducing emissions and as an industry driving economic growth. But it started on election night and I hope that America has learned its lesson about electing weak and in-effective (boosh) or ideologically insane (obama) presidents.


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