Can anyone tell me how a company can lease mineral rights all around me and not lease mine?  Can they drill anyway?  Please advise if any one knows of a company that would lease my mineral rights.  I was with Shell and they cancelled my lease but never advised me that they did so.  Center Township, Guernsey County Ohio.  8.50 acres

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Well, its right of capture actually. as long as they don't go under your land they can drill.

Also, I would question if you owned your minerals rights, if they just cancelled your lease.

Very easy to go to courthouse to do basic check,

The County Recorder advised me I own the mineral rights on my land.  Also how do you know if they go under your ground when they purchased rights just across the road from me.

Donna, as a title examiner, I would not just go with what anyone said if you know someone who is willing to look for any severances back to the early 1900s which is being done now ask them to help you. Honestly, if you'd even ask one of the O&G title people to help you most will. But there is a 20 year dormancy in Ohio, so many things have to be checked.

Second, when they form a unit and drilling opinion they are typically filed in a courthouse. and it will show the properties in the unit. With the directional drilling GPS they can follow a property line for 1000's of feet without varying much.

If they feel they need you in the unit they will be back.


The county recorder is not in the business of determining if property owners own their mineral rights. They usually will not give you an answer to that question either way for that very reason. A full mineral search needs to be done to determine that, and the recorder certainly is not going to do that.

Why don't you ask the Shell rep you dealt with when you signed the lease what the reason is that Shell canceled it. Ask if it was a title issue and if so ask them to specify what the issue is.

If you do own the oil & gas rights, it would be illegal for them to drill under your property without leasing the rights from you first. 

On the other hand, there have been many, many people that would swear they own their mineral rights, only to find out they really don't because somebody reserved those rights a hundred or more years ago. And quite often it is an O&G company that informs them of that fact.

Ohio is not  a State with Right/Rule  of capture.


If they don't have a parcel leased...they have a 500' setback when drilling.





I live in Jefferson County with 5.5 acrres, not much, but close neighbors have much more land, and have gotten leases. I received my mineral rights, just last year, in black and white, legal and documented at the Jefferson County Court house. I have a copy of them in my desk. Good advice to go to your court house and see what's up, and get a copy of your paperwork. 

I have a pice of land In east lemon PA, and they are going to drill a well 2000.oo LF away from my land. will this put me in a unit? thy are not going to drill my land, at least I don't think so.

Your land would most likely have to be northwest or southeast from the well site in order to be included in the unit. Do you know the name of the well & the operator?

I don't have any information for you on that Jeffery, but since you are about a mile east of the Noble 1H and the units can only be 1280 acres maximum it seems to me you are too far east to be included in that unit. REX could always start a new unit near you though. They could call it the McLaughlin 1H, how does that sound? LOL It's possible!

Seriously though, it would be interesting to know who leased the land between you and the Noble 1H. Was it REX or Eclipse?I think there is still a good chance Eclipse or Antero will drill close to you in the not too distant future. It might take a year or two but somebody will drill close to you.


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