Has anyone in the Ohioville area been approached by MarkWest Liberty Resources asking for a signed permission to enter property for the purpose of performing surveys that include, but are not limited to the characterization of land as to the property owner, topographic features, cultural resources, wetland delineation and archeology.  The permission agreement further states that its agents and  assigns agree to conduct themselves in a workmanlike manner and agree to pay for any and all damages to property, crops and fences that are caused by said activities.  If so, will you share what you know.  MarkWest rep states this is the first step in

determining whether they will want to put a pipe line on your property.

Will appreciate any information you have.


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You would do better getting responses from the Ohioville area by posting this in the Beaver County discussion area here on GMS.

Select PA under Find A State, then Beaver County. 

Thank you

Very interesting, are you leased already?

MarkWest has been in contact with lots of folks in our area trying to figure out a ROW for a 36" line. They talked to those leased with CHK and to those that are not leased, ie my neighbor.

It seems that what they are asking me to sign is for eternity.  I do not see any restrictions as far as time goes and it looks as though they could sell that permission to survey to whoever they wish.

Are you folks putting a time restriction on the survey permission?  What are the restrictions that you see the landowner should insist upon.  The Right of Way I saw is making statements such as "no reasonable access shall be withheld.  Also with the right, at any time, to replace the pipelines with the same or other size pipe and/or install multiple pipelines within the same right of way.  further it states "right of way and easement herein granted shall consist of a strip of land One Hundred feet in width preconstruction"...It refers to other times the right of way and easement being 75 feet in width.  further it states pipes shall be burried, except for valves, meters or other appurtenance...It took me forever to decide to sign with with CHK...I am on only 8+ acres and do

not want to ruin the property value of my home????? Thanks for any input or advice

They are doing more than just talking to folks in my area. (Southern Lawrence County PA) ROW agreements are being signed.

I was told 8-10" line initially , with a second soon to follow. Something to do with connecting Vanport with Butler and we are likely to see activity in as little as 2 months. They want it done by the end of 2013. Rep sounded pretty sure it will be a GO! Hopefully things are beginning to happen infrastructure wise. Something tells me Shell's Cracker is really going to happen in Vanport. Interesting times we live in!

Yes, I am leased...since I only have 8+ acres, I feel it would have been better if I had gone

with none disturb....we are at an age when we are thinking of downsizing and selling our home.

FWIW, Markwest is one of the larger Midstream MLPs.

This is their website:  http://www.markwest.com/

The important thing to remember is that pipelines are forever.





I know some landowners in PA negotiated royalties for these private trasportation pipelines.  It would be interesting to see if negotiations for royalties take place when upstream companies already have leased on acreage.  A better position is if the acreage has not yet been leased to the upstream companies and now a midstream entity needs the parcel for its ROW.


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