In Seneca Twp, Monroe Cty, Ohio I have a small interest in a well.  There are 5 laterals, 4 of these on the DNR map show "drilled" the 5th one shows "Plugged Back"  does anyone know the exact meaning of "Plugged Back"?

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One possibility is it was the first one drilled and they drilled to the sand to test it to see what was there. Then they liked what they seen, plugged back to make the u, so they could drill the lateral.
What is the api # or name of the well?

Could be a lost hole. They may have plugged and sidetracked. If you know the well name I can look at the well and plug permits and let you know.

Its Kurtz Unit 1H, believe the api # is 34111245340000.

Kurtz Unit 1H API # 3411124530000

it shows it as green witch means producing. Read the plug report, it states:

The company will deviate around the borehole and continue drilling
on the same original directional plan.

The plat shows the well is drilled also. I think it will be fine.


Good Info, thanks Zoner

Agree. It looks like they needed to stop drilling on the first path due to some reason. Plug back the open hole with cement and then redrill the lateral portion. If you look at the as-drilled survey you can see where the original wellbore was drilled and then the sidetrack with the new lateral. 

"On site inspection to witness the 8.75'' production borehole plug back due to hole conditions. The well bore was drilled to 9,929' at 91.67 ° Inclination and 332° Azimuth with a borehole defect encountered at 7,510' and the company not being able to get past that spot at 7,510'. Halliburton pumped a 205 sack 16.8# 1.02 yield plug was set through the drill string setting at 7,494' with 50 barrels of 13.2# Tuned spacer ran ahead. The company will deviate around the borehole and continue drilling on the same original directional plan."

Zoner,  I have another well I want to check would you be so kind to post the link where you got the pdf form  "Plat.pdf, 2.8 MP"  Thanks

I have that link, can't figure out from there how you get the map that names etc, I must be missing something?

click on the well, box appears, click on "well summary report link" documents listed at bottom of page. 


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