I drove up to the anadarko well at campsite k on consol land yesterday. They are laying a pipeline from the well so it must be a completed well. This well is just south of cumberland in Noble county. Does anyone know how productive this well is? I am interested in any information. 

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I took a load of stone to a new site being made on Bean Ridge road off 78 at Summerfield ysterday. Supose to start on the pad Monday. CNX  is doing it.

Keep the sunny side up Sawdust

Not sure which county it is in, as it is right on the Noble - Monroe line.

Who is drilling the well on Bean Ridge Sawdust? CNX Gas since they probably retained OG rights?

Yes, CNX, and it is in Noble Co. They're finishing bulldozing the pad now, supposed to start hauling to the pad Monday.  The stone hauled so far has been for the entrance and the drainage / waterways.

Any new information about the well I asked about?

If you look logically at what Anadarko is doing with their drilling one would have to assume they are seeking the wet gas area.  The well drilled near Cumberland first and the rest making a beeline south and east.  I also saw the line being laid to the East Ohio line to the north from their Noble co., Brookfield Twp. well.  If this well had wet gas that wouldn't be happening because you can't run wet and dry gas through the same line.  I hear Dominion is thinking about converting one of their existing lines to a wet gas line, but to date that hasn't happened.  Anadarko also has well sites staked along State Route 83 which wouldn't be affected by the frost laws and I've seen no move to build those sites.   I'm inclined to agree with Utica Shale's comments that things don't seem to be going as well for Anadarko as hoped.  The wet gas window may not be as large, nor extend as far south as hoped.  Time will tell.  Better news would be great for those in Noble, Morgan and Washington counties.  Hope this thing doesn't go bust at least until we get our lease bonuses down here.  I guess ti's hope for the best, but don't quit the day job.


I was at the Consol site on 3-8 and they were in the fracing process at that time. They also have the pad east of the road on Noble 9 setting full of frac tanks and equipment. Trican was the company name on the trucks. I have a buddy that lives only a couple miles from the Consol site. I should see him tomorrow. I'll see if he has heard anything about either well.

I was at the well site yesterday and saw all the tankers. They have a big black office building on site now. The pipeline is about 300 yards from reaching what looks like a gas compression station at the state road. This well seems to be taking a long time to complete. I am pretty certain that it has two horizontal legs so that is probably why its taking so long. 

Yeah,,,the compressor station is East Ohio's.  Been there for years.  What kind of tankers??  Capable of transporting oil or just for holding frac water?  I don't think the well has more than one lateral.  Only one stem on the pad and the rig wasn't there long enough to have drilled two.  I'll have to drive out there again.  Thanks oildude.

The tankers were for frac water. There may be only one well at that site but the pipeline is a big pipeline. I am very interested to learn how productive this well is.

Oildude,  you had asked on another post (now gone for some reason) what information I had on the wells in Noble county.   All that I have heard is that they are disappointed that they are only finding dry gas and not the wet gas they had hoped for.  As I said in another post that it appeared that Anadarko was drilling as fast as they could towards the southeast as if hunting for the wet gas area.  I think they are finding gas though which is good but it just may be a bit longer until they decide to drill on properties further south.  Getting the same feedback about the Consol wells.  More wells will better define the wet gas area.  This info may be true or it may just be a huge shuffle game that they are playing trying to throw off the competition.  If you haven't leased I wouldn't sell out cheap yet...plenty of time for things to turn around. 


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