Is the ODNR on Spring Break?  no 4th qtr report. No permits this week?

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I have a feeling they might report 4th quarter production next week. The last report they waited like 3 months after the quarter ended in Sept 2013 to post the report the end of Dec. 2013. They might just wait until April and release the 1st, 2nd, and 4th quarter results in the full 2013 report.

That place must be seriously understaffed or they just dont care when we get the data, or they are very slow at typing numbers into a spreadsheet. One person should have been able to type the data out in a few days I would think.

Seems like; understaffed,or just plain lazy. But to give them the benefit of the doubt; maybe the reports have been out,just not for the public's eyes.They ,or HE, may be instructed not to release them.

I know the well. It's the KAREN well I been paying attention to that one hoping for results.

They are not holding production results back. The confidentiality is for the well logs to be kept private for 1 year. These operators cant withhold production numbers. They have to report production numbers 45 days from the end of each quarter now for a producing well or for a well that has been flowed back.

TM what would be the benefits to withholding well logs for a year. I just can't figure out the benefits. Thanks

My undrstanding of this is that the production numbers are not being withheld for 1 year....just the core logs.


The core logs could contain/show information that gives a company a edge on production keeping them from the public ( other companies), gives them an advanatge to be more profitable.....I see no issues with them witholding logs for 1 year.

The drillers all want to get the upper hand on techniques and the geology of the formation. The well logs contain important information and they dont want people or other companies knowing what they are doing or what they might have found in the ground.

Engineers and the drillers use well logs to measure depths of formation tops, thickness of formations, porosity, water saturation, temperature, types of formations encountered, presence of oil and/or gas, estimated permeability, reservoir pressures.

Running these logs determines whether a well is commercially viable or not and whether casing, cementing and completion should be run on a well. It's not only a journal of what is perforated below the surface, but also a predictor of success.

When the Production Geologist was asked back on 03-13-2014, when the 4th quarter data would be made available Mr. Riley replied that ODNR has the information ready but when it would be released was "above his pay grade"....and that is a direct quote.

I thought the same thing......very late this week with the permits. But lately  I

 think I am just!

last weeks permits are posted...........a bunch so far this week also (on the database) - all over the map - many companies.

Q4 production reports may not come until full year 13 are ready (as TM stated)...........and that may not even happen in april.........i think it took them until May last year.

8 permits in millwood/guernsey for Hayes & Pora wells.

Signs of things to come; Mostly Guernsey/Noble/  Harrison leading the way in permits


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