Oil industry study shows production and injection wells can trigger earthquakes.

Oilfield Review: Seismicity in the Oil Field 

Publication: Oilfield Review

Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Publication Date: 06/01/2000

In some areas, seismic activity, better known as earthquakes, can occur as a result of oil and gas production. In this article, we review the modern history of human-induced seismic activity, and present the findings of a recent project to monitor injection- and production-related seismicity. Scientists in Russia, in a cooperative project with Schlumberger, are analyzing the seismic energy recorded during these events to extract information about the reservoir, to more fully characterize the state of stress in the field and to optimize the recovery of reserves.


Induced Earthquake Bibliography

Oil and Gas Production Induced Earthquake References


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don't confuse what howard wants with open,healthy discussion.

Ok, so to avoid confusion... Has anyone tried straight up just asking Howard what his objective is on posting some of the things he does?  Or are we all jumping to our own conclusions based on how we take his vocalizing of his opinions or his sharing of articles and the way he interprets them?  Howard, if/when you read this please let us know... Are you dead set against the O&G production process regardless of safety measures put in place & environmental concerns that are handled properly?  Or, are you just supporting the argument that this should not be the only concentration, & when the industries focus on this development they should do so within regulations & guidelines, while other industries should also still be able to move forward with exploring other alternative energy sources? 

I would support the development of oil & gas in the US and abroad if it was subject to the same environmental laws as everyone else (individuals & businesses).  I would be even more supportive if all of the subsidies and incentives were removed from the industry (including coal) as well.  Creating an artificially low price for energy sets up our economy and our country for a terrible crisis when we can no longer afford to do so, it has created an environment were the vast majority of Americans see no reason to cut back on their energy consumption.

Excellent Point Gary!!!!

I am so sick of the "Tip Toe Through The Tulips" approach to debating this stuff.

Believe it or not , Nelson , there sometimes is a very distinct line between right and wrong: IT AIN"T ALL GRAY!!!!!

Since when did it become politically incorrect to call a spade a spade? Let's just get all warm and fuzzy and give a marxist a hug today , shall we!!!!

You have to stand for something or you're gonna fall for anything!




I do believe you & I agree Glenn.  It is NOT all gray.  Very far from it.  But let me pose this question to you... By who's standard are you judging right & wrong?  Nor am I against calling a spade a spade.  It is when someone appears to call a spade an ass for sharing their opinion or view on a subject that I do not believe anything is accomplished!  I am here to learn more about the processes that are going on with the industries involved and when people condemn the opposition to their viewpoint, then it is crushing the learning possibilities.  To truly learn, I believe that one needs to study both sides of the argument so as to be able to make informed decisions.  This is basically an informational site.  I do not believe that any issues are truly going to be resolved here.  Although from some discussions I have read, it may be a basis for some things to form.  So, call it a "Tiptoe through the tulips" approach, or "Exploring the gray area" or whatever you would like to label it...  I appreciate hearing arguments from both sides of the story, and I will openly voice that opinion when I see fit.  If it upsets or offends some, then so be it.  It seems that people like to label things either left or right... perhaps trying to view from a "neutral" standpoint should be a new concept.  So, go give your Marxxist a hug, call your spade a spade, label what you need to label, or do whatever you feel necessary.  Again I agree that you have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.  I just like to have the information from all points of view to determine what I am standing for!  I am going to go read some more. :-)  Have a great day!

The middle is so thin nowadays kids are going to call it a slice. 

I'm with you, the slice can still be loud.

I agree.

This says enough for me......did you miss this Nelson?


Who is hugging the marxist now ?

Nelson and I are both landowners in Guernsey co OH.  We both have sink in this game.  We are pro drilling.  Back off. 

Thanks Phil. 

& no, I didn't miss that Glenn.  There are not a lot of things that get posted on here that I overlook.  lol.  I spend a good deal of time here reading (probably too much so!).  I could post another mile long reply, but seems it would possibly be a waste as this seems like it may be at a stalemate.  I have voiced my opinion as have others. On to the next round...

well said!

I am responding to Nelson Roe's comment -- Well Said!


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