Is there anyway to tell where new pads are being located and if permits have been applied for?  I'm with SWN and I used to be able to go on the PaDEP web site and see what is planned for the future just by looking at the permits applied for.  Now there is just too much information.  We are currently in a unit and they are supposed to be adding two addition pads & wells this year.  Many of the pads listed are identified with letters rather than unit names.   

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You can have the DEP send you an email when permits are applied for in a specific area from this link. I don't know of any way to know where a pad will be built.


I just remembered, when the permits are applied for, the well plat is available from the DEP office and the well location is specified on the plat.

I was told that web site will give that info.  Haven't subscribed as yet. ($25 per month) Supposedly they give a trial subscription, but are seemingly uncooperative to aford such to me.  Would like to know if anyone out there uses this web site.

Go to It is a great sight. The gentleman keeps up with records from the court house. I have been a member for 3 years. You can visit for free of join for 18 dollars a year.

If you live in one of the counties listed in PA. This may help you. 

You can also try they have the wells listed by county township and driller as well as production figures, inspections, violations etc.  

Is there a website like this for West Virginia?


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