Questions about a part time gas field engineer...serving the community as extra eyes/ ears

I read somewhere on GoMarcellus about a township or municipality hiring an engineer/ field gas person to occasionally monitor gas company activities.  This engineer would not be an adversary but another pair of eyes and ears for the community in which the wells were being drilled.  Does anyone know about any community that actually uses such a person?  How is it done?  Who pays?   Did this turn out to be beneficial?  Or not.  Can the gas companies look at this as just information for the community or do they feel this is an infrigement?  Any information would be appreciated. 

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This is a great idea.  The challenge is locating a competant, objective and skilled engineer and compensating the professional to work in the interest of the community.  The oil and gas companies can refute an independant monitor and it may become a legal mess.  However, I have been calling for this type of oversight arrangement for quite some time and I am currently putting together a major piece entitled Well Site Safety and Security In Pennsylvania Part II which will touch on some of these concerns and offer financing suggestions.  Good luck and you are thinking correctly in my estimation.  Robert A. Young, Rome, PA (see blogs.   

Thanks, Robert.  One part of your answer that surprised me was the legal mess.  I think in a perfect world this could be a win/ win situation, but probably if it was easy, more communities and gas companies would be doing this on a partnership basis.  Although I see a relationship between a community field engineer and a gas company as a partnership, perhaps personalities/ legalities would get in the way.    Which gas company CEO (title?) would be most likely to work with the community even with open communications?

Thanks for replying and I am confident this is the way to go.  Sort of an ombudsman or today not to be chauvinistic an ombudsperson or committee probably would work.  Yes, you are right that everyone should work as a team, however in today's litigious society there is a very likely possiblility of complications.  As far as the energy company's contact person or panel, I would suggest that he,she or they should be high on the corporate ladder and knowledgeable about the process so that things would get done based on findings.  Great concept though and it's refreshing to see others thinking about at least one issue very much like I have been. Thank you for sharing in the community interest.  Robert A. Young, Rome, PA (see blogs.   


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