Let`s keep our conversations going...what are you hearing about the future for new natural gas development in Pennsylvania, Ohio & West Virginia?  Are you hearing of plans for new well pads or adding of new wells to existing pads?  How about new pipelines; are they coming & where?  Any new acquisitions of gas companies or mergers?  Are you being contacted by gas company representatives for new leases & where?  

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Between Clarksburg & Parkersburg on route 50.  There’s a lot of infrastructure built there over the last 10 years.

The Doddridge wells had not been drilled yet but one set (8 permits for that well pad) were from 2015, cancelled Jan 2020 and re-permitted this June. The other set was from 2018 and just now being approved. That does not mean they will drill immediately but considering how little of any activity had been happening for that county lately it is newsworthy. These are Marcellus wells.

Well Shell is selling every thing in Tioga Co. Pa. did any one notice? 

Yes, how is that working out?   Are new permits being issued for new wells?  About new pads?  This all sounds like great news for North Central PA.   Will the new drilling be for MS or Utica wells?

There is minimal activity at the Painter pad. Once in awhile a tanker truck is plodding along Broughton Hollow road. I was told it was only excess brine water being carried away. All of us are disappointed that royalty's have dropped almost out of sight.  I am sure that the early royalty payments were being depended upon to cover bank loans for property improvements and new machinery or whatever.  And now these folks are 'hard put' to make these payments.  In effect, worse off then before!

Granddad Ladd

I'm in Tioga Co. PA, waiting to see what happens. I guess the sale is not finalized yet? But there have been notices in the local paper about water for wells, one of which my parents have a share in, and it's been shut-in for years. 

There's also a fight on with a local millionaire who tried to buy that well (and others) and didn't get it. He thinks he can force it, I guess. 

(For those from other states, Tioga County is in the middle of the straight northern border with NY)

Hello. I haven't been on here for a while. I own 40 acres in Tyler co., WV. (Ellsworth) Have signed a lease with Antero. We have pipelines under our property also. The company keeps hounding us to sell our mineral rights plus we have gotten other offers from other companies to also sell to them. Does anyone know what is up with this? We live in NC so we are not local and so we are not in the loop.

I know that several of the companies have been trying to buy mineral rights. Also, Antero's drilling (or at least new permits) in Tyler have been in the Ellsworth area. It is probably an overall savings of money for them to buy your minerals rather than have to spend money to get you leased, for the personnel, paperwork, bonus money, etc and then to keep up with you as a mineral owner when the property gets drilled, dealing with title work to get the division order, then setting up payment monthly or whatever schedule. Just spend money once and buy. At least that is probably their thought.

Even if you have a lease, the rest of the expenses are there.

If they and others are offering, they probably have a plan to drill fairly soon. Keep watching for new permits. Do you know about the Weekly Reports of the WV Office of Oil and Gas?

Are all 40 acres owned by you or are the rights pretty fractionalized in an heirship? 

They are all owned by me. I inherited from my dad in 1999 when he passed away.

Good for you. I'd keep an eye on permits to see when/if yours gets included. Even then it could be a few years before production/payment occurs. That's a good problem for you to have, though! I've seen a lot of people sell off % of their asset and keep the other % for long term speculation / possibility. Managing this oil and gas asset is so much more necessary in today's world with oil and gas than any other time! Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions. You can PM me.

Thank you Ms. Mosley. Not I was not aware of that. Any information you can share would be helpful. We live in NC so out of the loop.


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