Senator Inhofe calls BS on Obama's fraudulent climate change agenda

In-the-shale landowners need to remember climate change fraud is an ongoing threat to our well being.  That fraud today is being perpetuated at the highest levels of government, by a nearly monolithic mainstream media, and by dishonest academics who benefit personally from the fraud.

In this article, Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma speaks truth to the powerful liars aligned against all of us, and in particular to a Chicago thug named Obama:

 Inhofe on fraudulent "global warming" and "climate change"

Do not miss the comments following this article, messages from people who are fed up and have had enough of the global warming lies.

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Fact! The Earth is warming! 2014 the warmest ever. My position is based on real science not religious mental cases!
38% sure. I'll light my cigar on the tire fire tonight, I like those odds.

So one day.. .a little many legged worm decided to "change" its DNA  al by itself....

and climbed into a cocoon....

and turned into a "winged" object....

guess it just decided it didn't want to crawl around anymore....

In case you don't understand......

The butterfly... is the answer about creation.....

I stand corrected! Almost all glaciers are melting away! WOW!
Personally, I perceive / view / believe 'The Universe' to be 'The Divinity'.

To me it's everything that is / was and / or ever will be.

We don't even know whether there is more beyond the 'Observable'.

To me that is one of the things that prove it's 'Divinity'.

To me it's proof enough (to believe in it's Divinity) to understand that you and me and mine and everything else we observe may be only a small dust speck of a fraction of it.

Sorry to get all philosophical here but others have beaten me to the punch on that anyway - so everyone can read it / take it / leave it for what it's worth or not worth to them - it's just my very humble opinion.

Peace out.

Glaciers have melted away before (note that I did not say "all"). The climate has warmed and cooled over and over through history. The magnetic poles have switched back and forth hundreds of times. We see and say what we want in the present - and too often what is reported is driven by some agenda, whether it be scientists or media, the facts are rarely true and flawless. Greed and corruption will destroy this planet far before any so called climate change....IMO
Math, Science, Politics, Economics, Organized Religion, Greed are all human manifestations to attempt to understand, manage, deal with the Divinity.

They are mankind's parlances - but they are all only parlances / descriptors.

Some things mankind will never be able to wrap their heads around.

Mankind has limitations - Divinity does not - it just is.

Only IMHO.


Yup.  Myopia is rampant these days.


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