Out of curiousity, do you drive or ride in an automobile? You do know that 30,000+ people died last year in an automobile?
I understand your consternation, this is not a situation one likes to see. Machinery and materials break in every industry, such as the well casing cracking in this case. We need to make sure that everything is being done to make drilling activities as safe as possible, just as we do with automobiles....but people still die every day driving cars.
No one was hurt, folks were moved for their own safety. Sounds like safety procedures at this well site is up to the task, at least as far as the info we now have.
I agree with you -there are accidents in every industry. We need to deal with them the best way possible when they happen and do our best to avoid future accidents. People wreck cars every day - we didn't ban cars because of the number of accidents. People aren't being "greedy" as some have said in this disucssion and other discussions - we have a valuable natural resource under our feet and it needs to be utilized and those who own the mineral rights have the right to be fairly compensated even if that means some of them will become millionaires.
I actually lost my water well, temporarily, because of drilling but I am still very very much in support of the drilling and the operating company has been great to deal with.
Paul - I wish more people would think the way you do.
I disagree with this statement in it's entirety! You can compare automobiles with drilling. I do believe people should have the right to do what they choose to there property. But there are thousands of individuals who do not want any part of the impact that this drilling industry is going to have in upstate PA! Not to mention our animals and fish here. Where is the protection for our land owners who have not leased and our wildlife?? There is none! There are people tromping through the game lands and state forests!! When is Pennsylvania going to put a stop this?? All of this gas drilling is complete nonsense. The drilling industry has taken over in North Eastern Pa. I believe we will have a far worse problem in years to come, our children will more so than us!
I am truly amazed that thousands of gallons of frac fluid wouldn't be alarming!! This is our water supply, witch is far more important than gas!!
WNEP (out of Scranton) was/is at the scene and interviewed three of the neighbors, all of whom have been allowed to return to their homes. http://www.wnep.com/wnep-brad-leroy-gas-drillingemergency20110420,0.... If you watch, you will notice, while there is concern expressed by all three, there isn't a hysteric outcry by any of them to ban drilling. But then most of Bradford's citizens are educated and informed and aware of the risks and know a worst case scenario happened, one well out of hundreds of thousands. They are probably much more educated on the containment procedures as well.
No one was hurt, it's already being reported there has been no fish kill, the rivers have swelled because of the recent heavy rains so what salt and/or chemicals that were released will quickly be diluted, and I met the Red Cross truck on their way back from the scene. Situation under control and if there IS damaging aftermath, then one can be sure the media will run it again and again. If it turns out not to be such a big deal then this is the last you will hear of it.
It is absolutely impossible to tell what the effects will be to the enviroment today!
I agree this is part of the progress in getting Gas for our citizens. I agree that accidents are a part of life..I agree with human error. I agree everyone is working on the situation. But accidents containing fracking fluids, any chemical that is poured into our enviroment will have lasting effects for generations to come. Sadly an automobile accident isn't done either due to life long pain to the person ..However yes they do occur daily but their are a ton more autos on the road so it raises the risk..We will see "accidents occuring" that is just the way it is. BUT for us not to be aware and for us not to encourage safety, protection and our rights protected is stupid on our part..I'm not against obtaining NG at all . I am against people who don't make themselfs aware of situations and dig as deep as possible to the possiblities of having a well on their property. For some of us it there isn't a choice to have a well others are in the right timing to choose.
Greed is a very strong word when we are being raped by other gas and oil producing countries !!!! It is an accident and I am sure the gas industry is as unhappy and concerned about those affected. So I guess when they knock on your door to drill Utica --- you will not let them in yet alone take their money so you can pay more for gas and oil as other countries continue to rape the all American people. Overall this is a great thing for the area, state, and country.
As tragic as it is when a plane crashes (another accident) We never hear of the thousands that arrive at the destinations safely. How many wells have been drilled in the USA without any problems???????
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