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I stopped watching at about 4  minutes - I wasn't going to waste any more time with that video.  I bet the "red fluid" that guy saw "gushing" out of the hillside is sulfur water from coal mines, not Marcellus drilling.  My own well water is red - when the drilling company did hit my water source, it was in an abandoned coal mine so that explains why my water is red.   It's coming from a coal mine.     I also didn't understand the part where the lady said the drilling is going to cause farms to be lost.  That doesn't make any sense - I'm seeing farms being saved from housing and other types of developments because the farmers can now afford to keep the farms rather than sell off to developers.     I guess these anti-drilling people don't want PA to prosper - they would probably be opposed to any new industry that moves into the state.  

Being from the south and some of you yankees think we are stupid. That guy posted that wasn't a shinning star himself. This is some of the half truths that are being put out.

I am reading all this, and it is all BS!! If you were comfortable with your red water, why was another well drilled? self contradictory, aren't you? The farms are not prospering, well, perhaps some are, monitarily, but certainly their land has changed drastically! Hay fields and crop fields are now well pads. I am sure this is not benificial to farmers.  What happens when live stock gets into contaminated water?? Is this healthy? There has already been an instance where a farmer had to put livestock down due to an accident as people call it. A spill. Upstate Pa is not a wealthy area, But most people here are here for the tranquility.  

I am at these well pad sites everyday..all day..It is disheartening to see what is really happening here in north east pa! Our mountains are turning into a huge camp ground for gas workers..It's disturbing that people would except this because they are getting a little chum from these oil companies..Greed never pays..

Perhaps he should have picked another occupation. I am not here to knock the gas company. There doing there job. I am knocking PA for allowing them in!!

Dona, why not buy the farm land and do as you please with it. Yes, I know one cannot buy all the farms out there but you can do your part by purchasing what you can. You can also donate to the farmers who have worked the land and paid their fare share of taxes all the past years to the benefit of all of us.

Why kick the farmers that in many, if not most, cases have cared for the land for generations and finally have a chance to get a little payback for their hard work?

It's the gas royalties that are going to save our farms not anti drillers.

Get behind the farmers and support them, they are the ones who kept it green and will continue to keep it green. The pad will be gone in short order, grass will grow and gas will flow.

I do believe farmers are the hardest workers I have ever met. I personally don't know if I could do it. I just know farmers who are making out just fine without gas companies..And as I have stated before, I don't HATE the gas company. I genuinely think we will have serious ramifications due to fracturing.


I agree with you - the royalties being paid are many times what the hay and other crops paid.  The gas wells ARE helping people keep their farms.  So many farmers were selling or losing their farms because they couldn't afford them, along came the gas wells and now these farmers are driving new John Deere tractors and Lincolns and Cadillacs.  No one can tell me the royalties aren't worth it. 




If you are referring to my comment about red water, I don't understand what you are saying.  My water is red because my artesian well obviously flows from an abandoned coal mine.  I don't drink my water - never did.  It's not red from the gas well drilling.  I lost my water for a few days because they hit my water supply while they were casing a gas well.  My water is back but the gas company has allowed me to keep a 2500 gallon water tank and they fill it for me as needed.  I'm not complaining - my water was never good to drink.  They are providing me with clean water now and not even because they did anything wrong - they said I can keep the tank until after all of the wells are completed.   I'm not going to have another water well drilled - there is no good water in my area and I don't believe the people who say there was anytime in the recent past.  Most of our water has already been polluted by coal mines and sewage.    I don't know, but this polluted water must be good for my horses and cattle - I raised some of the largest, healthiest, best tasting steers and bulls around and my horses are living well into their 30s with absolutely no health issues - they drink the well water and the dirty water in the creek running through the farm.

I personally really really like seeing the nice Patterson rig behind my house - I look at it at every morning and every night and think it looks great.  The noise doesn't bother me one bit - it did for the first few nights but I've gotten quite accustomed to it.  This is one industry I am really excited about and I truly believe it's going to bring great prosperity to PA in the long term. 

I am not knocking the industry. These guys are out there busting there humps. There doing there job. At the rate all this is happening, There are definately going to be alot of negative impacts. This is a certainty! There has in fact been alot of damage already. I do believe if there is gas, sell it.. I disagree with the methods of fracturing. I strongly disagree with our state agreeing to this without looking into the serious ramifications that are involved especially when it may be our water. I have good water. I would like to keep it that way.

Ms. Greiser:

You say you are at "well pad sites" everyday... all day... for what purpose?  What phase is the well pad site in when you see it?

I am at well pad sites at every phase, beginning to end, it does not matter why I am there, I do not wish to say why!  And I do see alot of distruction and very unhappy farm and home owners. And it is something that truely does sadden me.
I am certain I am not the only person who is negative in this forum. I am happy you have a good experience with the gas company.


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