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Your answer speaks volumes and was completely what I suspected you would say.  If you feel so strongly against drilling, taking money from any involvement in it would make you a hypocrite when calling the landowners "greedy".  Given your seemingly vague familiarity with the terms used within the industry though, and, yes, a strong gut feeling on my part, you, like others I have encountered recently, are trying to get your anti-drill message across by pretending to be an industry "insider".

Something that saddens ME, Ms. Greiser, is that drilling opponents have started stooping so low as to smear the image of us who actually have family in the field, who put their lives in danger, those of us who are working to get the correct information out there.  The drilling is the dangerous work, NOT the seldom-occurring threat to your water.  However, I am thinking the actual men who are sharing true information are the real threat to you and your anti-drill friends.

But my involvement goes above and beyond just the knowledge of the patch.  Your kind knows NOTHING of the farmers who gave up 5-acre drilling pads and it saved the farms which had been in these families for generations and were in danger of being lost.  Furthermore, you CARE nothing about those in NY who may still lose theirs because of the 3-year moratorium.  You post a picture of yourself and a deer - where do you think you would hunt if these farms were lost and developers bought the farmer's land and saturated it with houses?

Think before you post, learn a little about the patch.  Do so to at least APPEAR knowledgeable, but you might actually learn something in the process, like the REGULATIONS the STATE as well as INDIVIDUAL companies dictate.  I lost patience with your AND KSM's kind (you reading this KSM?) and will no longer play nice or give public indications that I am ignorant of your games.  This is not about the industry - this is about domestic energy security and if you cannot see the bigger picture, then you are just another NIMBY!

So silly of you to assume I benefit from the gas company...You know what they say about assuming. my land is not leased. and I receive no money at all from the gas company. If I had taken any monies it would be silly for me to post a genuine concern. 

I see these farmers with 10, 5 acre  plots taken. Perhaps more. I do not profess to be knowledgeable about the industry, but the dangers the industry presents. 

And as far as hunting, I don't hunt on farms. I do not hunt over food plots, that would be unfair at best! I hunt in the game lands that we pennsylvanians  pay for that is at this time getting ready to be intruded by the gas company because our state feels thats exceptable.

You should think before you speak. Some people stand up for what it is they believe in instead of the all mighty buck!!

                     Thanks, MRS GREISER

You said you are on drill sites everyday... all day.  YOU assumed I meant leaseholder... I said IF you benefited from the gas company... I meant IF you were employed in some shape or form by it - which is what you are/were implying.  No assumptions about it, you are either a leaseholder or an O&G employee or accepted contractor to have that kind of access. 

And yes, you ARE professing to be knowledgeable about the industry... you spend each and every day on site? Right?

And as far as hunting on game lands and gas companies intruding?  You just played your hand.  YOU should think before YOU speak... Picture of trophy deer and the fact that PA's governor has released those lands?

So yes MRS. GREISER, some people DO stand up for what they believe in, but they do it in an UPFRONT manner, not pretending to have knowledge they don't.

I have been employed with my company long before the gas company arrived, I do not benefit or will never benefit from the gas company. 

Never implied that I benefited from the gas company either, certainly am not a contractor..Maybe I am just a snoop. Hmmm, a poser I am not. 



It would not be humorous if it were not controversial! 

I will refrain from posting comments any more. I'll check back in a few years when everyone is up in arms and in shock because we have contaminated water. I just believe PA should have explored this more before getting involved. Not with drilling, but with fracing

Way to speak out Sherry. I run into people like Mrs Geiser and worse daily. Some just want to start trouble. Some peoples comments make it worse.

! From someone on pads daily. Gas is good for PA !!!

My commentary would not upset anyone if there were not some validity to it.

Lady, I been working around drilling sites all over the world for 32 yrs.

I am very conservative politically and very interested in the envoirnment.

Your post are off base and you want to find vault with the gas business.



This person is just the kind of extremist I'm always weary of and makes me wonder how the opponent will re-act when they eventually realize drilling is going to continue, regardless of their actions.  They're like a rabid animal that keeps attacking when there is nothing to attack.  She admitted to being a "snoop".  An extremist tactic is to trespass on property and create problems where there are none, just like she is trying to do on this forum.  My suggestion is to leave her alone with her own thoughts and she will self-destruct eventually.  Hers is a fine line separating reality and the belief that she is right.  That's all I have to say on this matter.  There are times I get tired of beating my head into the brick wall and this is one of them.


Its really a nightmare when people are lead by money. I observed this website for sometime to see what the motivator all of you had in the gas industry. I realize its all about money, royalties...It is actually disheartening. I am entitled to speak my mind hear without being called an extremist. No one in this forum has sent a message saying the water will not be an issue . Everyone hear is knocking me because I have a genuine concern with Pennsylvanias entire eco system in time to come. So, if I am an extremist because I want my grandchildren to enjoy NE PA the same way I use to a couple years ago, then I suppose I am an extremist.

Ms. Hart, you need to open your eyes. You are definately blinded if you can say this will not have anything but a positive impact on PA. I am assuming that you are employed by the gas company. 

I am proud to be a roughneck's wife; my husband has worked in the patch for six years.  I myself have been around the industry for 13 years, originally employed by engineers, both civil and environmental, who worked with the industry.

As for it being all about money... maybe for some, but my primary motive? The amount of NG under our feet could provide for the needs of this country for years.  We might even have enough to export in a few years, making us a world market player in something again.  So as far as MY children and grandchildren are concerned, I envision them inheriting something besides the government's massive debt.

So you are spinning your wheels and insulting those who obviously have more science and facts on hand instead of relying on predictions that drilling is going to end the world as we know it.  And quit putting words in my mouth, as I did not say there would be nothing but positive impacts on PA.  The negative impacts, however, are mostly minimal and your muddying the waters with worst case scenarios takes away from the real issues.  Keep in mind, the issues seen so far are methane migration, NOT fracing contamination and those instances, considering the amount of wells drilled, are extremely rare.

Remember the title of this thread?  Spills and location fires are the real high priority risks.  You want to make a difference?  Find out what the regs are on those and petition the government for the changes you want to see happen.  But quit dissing the people, landowners and employees alike, on this forum because you're upset over a State level decision that you think is going to end in ruins.

I'm done with you.  Good day!


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