What a crowd. Things appear to being looking good for the Marcellus. Give your thoughts...

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Did you enjoy DUG? I also attended; what a crowd!!
You were there too? The morning was great, then I got a snooze in the PM when the geologists spoke, then I perked up when the guy was talking about REX and the its effect on price.
Yeah, the geologic presentations weren't as exciting as the CEO's giving their talks. It was great to see so many people with confidence and energy around the play. My other two takeaways: most of the "big" surface issues are being managed and EVERYONE has a deal to sell!! Saw so many people with acreage positions to sell/trade/JV.

My one complaint would be that there was little to no time for Q&A with the presenters. One question and then off to the "press room"; some of the best information usually comes in the active Q&A. I know the agenda was tight but it would have been time well spent!
I had to leave around 3. What did I miss?
What was the REX effect on price?
I believe Keith's referring to a talk on gas prices and the impacts that the REX pipeline is having. Basically, changing dynamics of gas market. Previous to REX, there was a large differential between Rockies gas and the Henry Hub price and the East Coast price. REX has allowed the Rockies gas to move further to the east and it has decreased the discount experienced by Rockies producers. With the increase in Appalachian production, gas is being "pushed" back down to the Mid Continent and Gulf Coast. With the Marcellus sitting so close to the major markets in the northeast, it is "first in line" for supply. As it increases, other basins will be hit harder. Rockies gas is being piped via REX further east and there are new lines coming on later next year that will enable Rockies gas to access some of the north east markets. Clear losers will be the mid-continent.
Hi all... I attended DUG East as well, with Binghamton University. (Not part of the geology department that was exhibiting) I am a social anthropologist studying the social/cultural impacts of the gas boom - particularly in rural counties. I would be interested to interview (anonymously, of course) any landowners who attended. Anybody interested in sharing their thoughts on the conference, on why they attended, and on what they took away from the experience?? Please email me off the list privately if so, Thanks so much. Kari
You were at the Aubrey McClendon break out were you not?
Yes, I was -- that was me! I asked a Question of him that is now on the "webcast"..... Good memory! Kari


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