I just overheard a Tom Wolf commercial and golly gee willickers we all better get out there and vote for him!!  He wants to make sure our vocational students are educated in the skills and trade experience they need to ensure employment and access to good-paying jobs!!!!!!

er, wait, aren't most of those newer good paying vocational jobs tied to the increase in gas extraction activity, both primary and secondary?  Welding, diesel mechanics, machinists etc.........................

Well if these demo-crackhead candidates want to tax the crap out of the gas industry to ensure ample positive cash flow to the urban welfare queens, and said industry decides Ohio or North Dakota or wherever is suddenly looking much more promising, where the heck are these exceptionally-educated vocational students supposed to exercise their newly-honed skills?

So the vaunted severance taxes will supply ample travel and/or moving expenses also?


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No country has ever taxed itself to prosperity. Study history of governments and governmental policy and you will see this. To the contrary our country is in deep trouble. The 51% have figured out they can vote for socialism and do as little as possible and still survive. That mentality did not get this country to where it is now, we are heading down the path of tax and spend to death. I fear for my nephews and all younger people, they have been given a debt load that will crush their generation.

David, thank you, tax to prosperity never worked and never will work. Job creation and growth is the right direction to create prosperity and more payment of taxes as the economy grows.

The problem though is, as you state, the existing debt is out of control and the government cannot pay the interest, let alone the debt.  

Landowners can only benefit by owning land creating royalties and the inflationery economy that is inevitable will get them through the calamity that will surely follow.  You had better own hard assets and the worthless paper that will be generated in the future

will hardly be worth the paper its printed on.

This country is a** backwards all right.  So many of it's core, founding principles have been irrevocably warped by those who think that the wealthy - whether by 'wealthy' I mean individual, corporation or any other entity - OWE something to those less wealthy.  I don't care how much money someone has nor do I care how they obtained it, provided it is through legal means.  The notion that someone or some entity with money OWES a share of their wealth to others is socialism 101.  Apparently, the liberal engineering and vacuous brainwashing of students in elementary schools over the past fifty years has certainly accomplished the desired task.

i always have to laugh when i read that the rich aren't paying their fair share.

the rich pay almost all of the taxes for crying out loud, the rest of us pay peanuts compared to them.

and then, if you took all of the wealth of the wealthy, not just taxed a higher percentage of their earnings, you would only cover a fraction of the current u.s. debt.

and then too of course, if you confiscated all of the wealth, the progressives would squander that in no time and come looking for more money with which to buy votes.

ass backwards and down the tubes we are headed.


The selfish behavior of liberal politicians bankrupting our kids future for votes.

Matthew Smith, I think PA should put a 50% tax on all welding/fabrication shop owners in the State. If they have the money to own the business, then they should pay their fair share! For every dollar they bring in on sales, they should send the state 50 cents of it.  My question to you Matt, where should the taxes stop?

holy smokes, hahahahaha.

before you all spout about PA taxes do some investigation. How many of you know much of the goods used in the drilling process is tax exempt. Surprised? So was I.

I will spout:  A lot of drilling and completion items and services are exempt from the state sales tax, as is true for all industry.  (You personally do not pay sales tax on clothes and food in PA, but that has nothing to do with how much state income tax you pay.)  In a similar manner, whether or not a business has to pay sales tax on certain items does not change the fact that PA taxes on businesses are among the highest in the US.

To add an extraction tax, or some sort of severance tax, on top of the already very high business taxes will definitely hurt the development of, and investment in, all but the best areas.

Your report is from Citizens for tax justice. There is no justice in taxes and if you believe there is than it is vengeance that you actually seek. If they have been "working for a fair and sustainable tax system for over thirty years" I would say they have failed.

Obviously, if it is cheaper to do business in other areas and Pennsylvania is not business friendly

and their regulations make it difficult to do business the gas and oil industry will go to other areas that want their business.  They may stay in the core areas until that is drained and then move out.

Would you stay in a place that did not welcome you?

we already have a severance tax disguised as a fee. Just remember


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