When they drill into 3 different formations, on the same pad,do they use the same top hole? Or do they drill a separate hole from the surface for each formation?

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Phillip: Looking at Consol map I find it interesting but also wrong. Being in the industry for over forty years in northwestern PA. I have never seen Consol in the nine counties that I covered. The Utica line is close, but the Marcellus line is too far south especially in Venango Co. The Burkett is still unproven, But Chevron is trying to define that line. Could be oil but the jury is still out on that. Not sure about the Rhinestreet. My point is most companies are still making a guess at this point. I think Range and Seneca and maybe Rex maps are the closet.  I wish every one the best of luck in these plays and try to be patience. At some point it will happen. 

deer spotter

Philip and I discussed or looked at these maps in another discussion.  The yellow areas I believe is the acreage that Consol  is claiming they have.  Is that more in line with what you know?   And, yes I totally agree with you about having patience.  All of the wells cannot be drilled in 5 or 10 or maybe even 20 years.

I never had any contact with Consol, the map they are showing is south of the area I covered. I only went as far south as central Buttler and Armstrong counties. The point I was trying to make is co. Like Consol and others are posting maps outlining areas that they have not drilled or have had any activity in those area. I assume they are doing this for investor purpose. Hope this is helpful.

Deer Spotter, searcherone,

You noticed the “???” in my headline.  When it comes to these maps I find myself repeating a line from the movie Gladiator “a pleasant fiction”.  My only connection to the oil and gas business is being a landowner and most of my information comes from reading corporate reports and industry rags.  But I’ve noticed that every company’s maps seem to (somewhat) favor their lease holdings.

D.S. If you say Range, Seneca and “maybe” Rex are closest, I’ll take that as a recommendation.  I’ve seen the Seneca Utica map, and the GIP maps from Range in their recent presentations.  For SW Pa, I’ve not seen much map-wise from Rex recently.


I do not believe the Utica line is accurate.

I have a question for all you geology guys.My farm is what used to be called the MacDonald oil field 100 years ago,because of my location in central Monroe county I wonder what oil layer these wells were drilled to? Thanks for any help on this.


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