In Part:

The U.S. Energy Department cut its estimate for natural gas reserves in the Marcellus shale formation by 66 percent, citing improved data on drilling and production.

The U.S. Geological Survey said in August that it would reduce its estimate of undiscovered Marcellus Shale natural gas by as much as 80 percent after an updated assessment by government geologists.

Sorry I do not believe this at all! A scheme to try and pull investors out of the gas? With the bull crap of carbon credits and the like it makes one question what (supposedly government) our government is doing.

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You left off a couple of zeros there.  That CHK fractionization plant is worth 900,000,000 bucs

You are correct, Billy!  Read Scott Cline's piece at:

Funny how everyone is now a drilling engineer.

I never said I was drilling engineer. But when one looks at the vast amount of money the private sector (not government) is shelling out in this play I believe it speaks for its self.

Today Columbus dispatch Kasich  touts potential of shale gas for Ohio.

Kat bird, Is is possible for you to post that artical ?  Many Thanks, Nancy

I will help Kat Bird out I think this is what your looking for

Eric Fox, Thank you and God Bless.........  Nancy


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