Uderstanding your royalty statements, empowering landowners against royalty theft or mistakes

We are chugging along towards completion of the well that includes a portion of our property. The last word is completion of the connecting pipeline is in June and it looks like they are well moving to that goal. They have been working 24 hours a day setting up the pad for production and what I assume is the flowback portion of the procedure.

My attention will soon turn towards a very daunting task of verifying my royalty statements against lease terms and fair market pricing.

I have been told and very much believe that the statements will be nearly impossible to read and understand. Fair enough, but, I am not easily daunted by complications from difficult situations. I fully intend to hire an accounting firm specializing in oil and gas royalties to verify everything and then I will hold the producer accountable for any discrepancies.

I am tired of hearing about landowners being abused.

This is a serious matter, folks who have never had money think money solves problems but it doesn't, it creates a whole new set of complications. And so it is with your royalties.

This site could do a tremendous service to its participants if instead of bombarding us with buyers of mineral rights and royalties it would offer solutions to understanding your royalty statements and aiding in the educating of landowners.

This is my new endeavor, soon enough we will begin to receive royalties and I fully intend to stick around, sharing information with others, learning from some and helping others, extracting the falsehoods and emphasizing the truths.

So, does anyone have any useful information for us on how they started down the path of deciphering royalty statements ? My first guess is the statements are overloaded with numbers that don't correspond to other numbers, confusing and complicating matters needlessly.

I appreciate anyone trying to help.

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My royalty statement and check take two pages, front side only, and are very easy to decipher.


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