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Here is the link to the article http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10059/1038976-28.stm
I believe that this is for one square mile of gas and it’s an average so most people should expect less in NY. If you would see the shale formation it is only 50 feet thick at the upper north side and could be the shale you see around our area or deeper. So before you sign anything you should know what your risk is and as any endeavor you should be prepared for a small lost to a lost everything for the rest of your life.
But you could wait a year or two to see what renewable will do. Ck this link out they will or plan for this for year http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10059/1038976-28.stm
actually, in ny we have several stack plays of gas bearing formations and will getting paid a lot more.. In Pa and west virginia, the Marcellus is pretty much the only play, while in NY we have the Marcellus, UTica, Herkimer, Oneida, and several others all told about 3000 feet of drillable gas area as uposed to a few hundred feet in PA..
Secondly, preliminary drilling by Canadian Companies into the UTICA, has yeilded over 12 MMCF/D and settled down to 6 MMCF .. making it comparable to the Marcellus...
If you are looking at leasing - I would recommend getting an attorney with a background in writing leases and also reading a book titled "Look Before You Lease" by Jim Stafford- It is a laymans guide to oil and gas leasing - Published by NARO (National Association of Royality Owners). Some of the enviromental issues can be addressed in the lease.
this depends on where they drill, and which formations they drill.. In NY southern tier, we have several stacked shale formations, yielding more drillable capacity.. so how much is recoverable really depends where you are in NYS as there are 27 differant shale formations in the state ,20 more than any other state, basically you can find gas in every squre mile of NYS west of the hudson... all the way to Montreal.. and ontario..
the richest Marcellus formation tops out in Sullivan and delaware counties in NY and the north eastern PA counties with some other areas in WV..
The fight over property in NYS will make PA look like a tea party... as these locals allow for 50-100 year wells.. as opposed to 10-15 in PA

Right now a 30% recovery rate is the rule of thumb of thought by some geologist ( slickwater hydro-frac )
The recovery rate doubles to 60% when using propane and will be the method of choice I believe within a years time.

This coupled with the NYS stacked play increases the desirability of our area and should increase initial offerings,royalty and terms.
All this I believe is true, but in order to use Propane, which by the way , eliminates the Water issue nearly completely, and shut's up the "GREENIES", the pipelines have to be in place first..
so my guess is O&G will try and push the cost of the pipelines onto the Land owners up front...
as a reason for lower signing bonuses..
which is what I would do if I were them;-) but when you can double your output (recovery rate) in the same time period, and same acreage, why should the Landowner take the hit?
And to be honest , I think the major players are going to go this route in order to completley bypass the DEC regs and make them irrelavent and at the same time avoid possible lawsuits.. and not to mention get the buyin from NYC..
the math just works out better , a lot better, as you can imagine. instead of recovering 3-5 MMCF/D, they could be pulling 9-12MMCF/D per well, and that would reduce their breakeven to much less than 1$ /MCF
this technolgy allows for not 500TCF Marcellus , but well over 1,000 TCF and more when you count the other formations , the numbers are possibly in the 10s of 1000s of TCF
So I agree with you completely but most landowners are not even aware that drilling can be done without using large amounts of water at all, as they have been scared to death by this..

one other solutuon is the use of a closed loop system on site. that is also a technology that is now perfected and available, where only 10% of the water is required and recycled on site..

And in the end, I don't believe the delays in NYS have anything to do with Technology or Ecology, but really with Taxes, and who gets what peices of the pie...

Like I said many times before, Companies like EXXON, TOTAL, BP and soon several other majors are not comming here for a 5 year jaunt... and every politician will have their hands out!!
Yes--The propane is the future and will limit the use of water and limit the role of the drbc & srbc.

I think gip ( gas in place ) per sq mile is around 125bcf with a current recovery rate of 30% but soon with propane to be 60%.

As a landowner with this info it signal's its actual worth. I know geology- is- geology- is geology--but broome county along the Pa. border is as core as it gets for both Marcellus and Utica.This group should get scoffed up quickly for an amicable amount given its characteristics. Big issue though is drill commitment and how are you getting our gas to market.
I also like the gas in kind clause--Time will tell--
Broome is not core - not even close. All of New York is tier 3 shale - there isn't a spot up there with Marcellus deeper than 6000'. Nobody wants it. Lift the ban, nothing will happen.
Here you go JEAN and DAN....

Check this out from an article today...


"In fact, drilling in the city's watershed is almost a non-issue. The only company with leases in that area — Chesapeake Energy — has continually said the company isn't interested in drilling there. "

Sucks for you guys huh.
you are by far the most ridiculous person on this forum..
I hope the Gas Companies are paying you well... because you really are not helping anyone here...
my but you are dense.. read the whole article and consider the political context in which it is written, but that may be over your head , sorry
Pay no attention to Nancy , she is just having a bad hair week.. or is life?

They have opened 2 new pipe fabrication facilies in and around Pittsburg..and one in Ohio, so I thin the writing is on the wall.. it's just a matter of time..


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