There have been several permits granted for areas close to my land.  How do I find out if my land is close enough to get royalties should the well produce?  Thanks.

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I have signed a lease with Chesapeake in Sullivan and Bradford counties. Both areas of land have recieved permits for drilling in the same township. I was just wondering if there is a way to get details on if gas was found there and how far/close a well has to be to get royalties. Some say 7 miles, some say 800 feet. It looks like one well is about 8000f t from my Sullivan land. There are sites closer to my Bradford county land.
I doubt that seven miles is close enough. Most horizontal legs run from 1000' to 5000' from the wellbore in a NNW or SSE direction, so even the 8000' is suspect. In NE Pa the units are roughly 1000' on either side of the horizontal leg and slightly longer than the leg, somewhat rectangular.

Hope that helps.


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