Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

Views: 138368

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So, then, you think a 25% (government imposed) tariff is unnecessary? 

The infrastructure in the US is CRUMBLING !!! WHY ? We as a nation are giving away our wealth due to a horrendous TRADE IMBALANCE .... The poor in this Country are fading further behind , while the poor in China and elsewhere gain higher and higher economically ... 

 We must support our own !!!!!!! 

So sick of the US losing market share to Asia ...  We are destroying our wealth due to our own greed for cheap overseas products ...........

Curious here. Do any of the overseas steel makers receive gov't subsidies or tax breaks for the manufacture of this exported-to-the-USA steel?

It is a common theme overseas in many industries....notably solar panels.....subsidies to make the process profitable for the manufacturer while keeping up their export market share.

If that is the case, tariffs are a useful tool to level the playing field for all.


This is good stuff Josie. I think it reinforces my earlier post about unfair competition in many industries, not just steel.

It is high time we began to again look out for the best interests of our own country and citizens. We have been the world's financier for far too long, at the expense of our own best interests.

Indeed, let's make America GREAT again!!

Decimating natural resources in the pursuit of (sustainabler) "greatness" is short-sighted. Anyone conversant with the history of Tioga County PA should know better.

Is Ann Ticopa using up  natural resources by using a computer and consuming electricity to post her views here ? 

 When Ann and others go live in the woods , sell their cars , stop using fossil fuel , I will begin to give her credibility ..  

The word I used was "decimating", not "using". But , I do in fact literally live in the woods and presently have no on-road vehicle. My J1900 computer has a 65 watt transformer and while I did run the furnace (#2 oil hot air) to warm the house up this AM, I'm now using the wood stove. No fossil fuel from my property is being exported.

Anyway, it's not my credibility that's in question; the "natural resources curse" is a proven effect.

Stop depleting our natural resources , via the use of computers , using electricity , using items made of plastic , steel , fibers , paper , etc ... 

 Your resource footprint is HUGE ... 

 Someone like you doesn't get to preach to me about decimating resources , while you sit comfortably typing away at your computer ... 

I won't engage with HYPOCRITES .. 

 I am done with this topic ....  

Josie, you have got to be kidding, accusing someone else of bringing politics into GMS. <g>

I'm a Tioga County resident, living on land that has been in the family for 100+ years. What I post here is mostly determined by not wanting PA to turn into WV ... not by politics.

I am puzzled, Josie, why it has become so important to you to be the de-facto group moderator?

Full Disclosure Statement: I just took delivery of 250 gallons of #2 fuel oil.

Agree to disagree. 

Of course natural resources are going to decline with use.  The question is how much of a non-renewable resource is it wise to ship out of the US. 


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