This is a decent site, I suspect it's monitored by the majors.  The undertone of the posts seems to be fear, imo.  You have a reason to be afraid as you are in a position where information is asymmetric.  They have it, you don't.  You know you're bringing a knife to a gun fight.  John Meynard Keynes said " in the long run, we're all dead".  Unwillingness to compromise or negotiate is the last resort of the ignorant.  No one gets the top price in the stock market, don't expect it in O&G.  Life isn't fair, cut your own deal and move on.  Anyone who tries to extrapolate recent deals is a fool.  You can't know all the variables.  Have I left out any cliches?


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No question big corporations will lobby elected officials to get laws passed that help them in one form or another.  But the problem is not the corporations that lobby government, rather it is the fact that government has become so powerful that it is necessary to lobby elected officials in order to conduct business. 

Here Carol is a picture card poster child for you green weenies. We need to get rid of the trash turn it into electricity that's the answer and off to war they went!

Tests performed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1992 found dioxin levels 500 times higher than the agency's recommended levels. After some modifications, EPA tests in 1994 found dioxin levels at the plant at 100 times the agency-recommended levels.

  Perhaps the breen weenies ought to just shut up as this example shows us. By the way dioxin was a prime ingredient of Agent Orange! 

  Amazingly the American Cancer Society never bothered to look into Agent Orange, to H with the veterans, to H with VFWs we will close them down with smoking bans!

Billy, just as a point of clarification, the dioxin in Agent Orange was a tiny (unwanted) contaminant, not one of the prime ingredients.  Agent Orange has been widely litigated and studied in the last 20 years.  Not to say that the Vietnam vets weren't treated shabbily by society and the gov.; they certainly were.

mark, we are just now supposed to be coming out of the 'nuclear winter'  that the nuts said was on the way when saddam lit 700 oil wells on fire.

How will  you  power your future  —
— as the global population grows to 9 billion people by 2050
and more of them want to drive, eat and live like Americans.
Two billion more people who want to live like us?
We can’t drill our way out of that challenge
Conservatives — like Richard Nixon, the father of the Environmental Protection Agency,
and George H.W. Bush, the author of the first cap-and-trade deal to curb acid rain — believe in conserving.
We are  so captured by the oil and coal lobbies that they can’t think seriously about this huge opportunity for energy innovation. 
Energy efficiency and clean power will be a great global industry.
thomas friedman

There are amazing innovations happening all over the world - Costa Rica now is powered almost entirely by renewable sources. And there are cities in Europe that are powered almost entirely by the methane released from their trash mountains. Kristianstad, in Sweden, heats all its buildings by methane released from farm waste. Germany gets40% of its energy from solar - mostly from installations on family homes. 

The US is falling far behind - because our politics are so heavily influenced by the big o & g companies, who have no interest in seeing us shift to renewable energy. Pennsylvania had a growing market for solar - and Corbett cut the subsidies. And for anyone who says government shouldn't be subsidizing anything - no matter how you cost it out, there are huge subsidies going to o & g  - both at the state and national levels. If even a reasonable fraction of that went to sustainable energy, we'd be having a different conversation.

when I was in costa rica the renwable resources was the bicycles and seeds they saved from the pot to grow for the next about a division from the haves and the have nots costa rica seriously???? germany europe sweden the best thing to come out of germany was hitlers coffin sweden a saab europe some naked actress....

Fer the cute fuzzy aminals, of course! Certainly not for them bad ol' nasty humans!

Have any of you heard about Chesapeake using Nitrogen to frac several wells with good results . This uses less water and from what I understand a lot less chemicals .

Ridge man,
Chesapeake has also started to recycle it's fraction water onsite. Follow this link for the description of this process.
This will save lots of water and reduce trucking. Slowly eliminating all of what the antifracers complain about.

Thanks David .

New business, jobs, and a technology that can be applied in so many other industries.


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