
Ashland County, OH

This group is for all things related to oil and gas development and leasing in Ashland County,

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Latest Activity: Jan 2, 2019


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Update on testing

Started by dan gladyszewski. Last reply by dan gladyszewski Jun 24, 2017. 3 Replies

Help Pass Bill HB 1684

Started by Darlene Newton Mar 23, 2014. 0 Replies

Seismic Testing in northern Ashland

Started by dan gladyszewski. Last reply by 0i7okn54zwbdo Dec 19, 2013. 59 Replies

Shake and Bake

Started by mbc. Last reply by 0i7okn54zwbdo Mar 28, 2013. 1 Reply

Eichelberger Well - Devon Energy Updates

Started by Finnbear. Last reply by 1lkdxzfo5mdgk Jan 18, 2013. 168 Replies

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Comment by Finnbear on March 17, 2013 at 4:23pm

Calla, what is your problem exactly? I created the Ashland page a year or so ago because I was interested in the Devon-Ashland well and there was no central place on GoMarcellusShale for Ashland county information. No one else was stepping up at thta time to create an Ashland page so I did. Where were you then? My family and I have land in Wayne county and at the time, the Ashland well was the closest shale development to us. In light of this, if you have a problem with my level of "participation" on this page, you are free to (and should soon) LEAVE! You have spent far too much time bullying other members who participate here and I'm tired of it.

Comment by Finnbear on March 13, 2013 at 8:41am

Calla, I've done nothing to this page except post a few times since it was created. All the county specific pages are limited to members only for posting as far as I know. I'm not sure why everything seems to be such a conspiracy to you.

Comment by Carl Finley on March 13, 2013 at 2:42am
I could never be a troll my real name is Carl Finley look me up. I dont hide under a bridge or a fake name i fear only Jesus Christ! As for you saying it produced oil I must have missed that sorry. I do remember quite well you saying it ONLY produced water! How did they get the 23 degree oil up the well pipe I didnt think it would flow at that number? Also Devon doesnt have to report NGL in the flowback correct? Does anyone on here trust Devon and any info they would give you? Calla didnt they get sued for stealing from the federal goverment?
Comment by Carl Finley on March 13, 2013 at 2:11am
Yes Marcus I'm one of the lucky ones. So is it rumor or fact Marcus that this well had oil in the flowback? Marcus why did you tell all of us that this well only produced water? When it appears it had all three just not in paying quantities. If you knew this info why not tell us that from the begining it had all three just not in paying quantities? I hardly believe you didnt know from the start exactly what was going on because you seem to know whats going on with this play in the state.
Comment by GEOMAN on March 13, 2013 at 12:48am


I have not heard of any pressure data published from Devon, but based on my experience this area is not going to be overpressured but more than likely have a normal pressure gradient (0.43 psi) to possibly slightly below.  At these depths, the pressures would be around1500 psi @ a depth of 3500 ft which is the average depth of the Point Pleasant.  While true a normally pressured reservoir is not necessarily a bad thing it is not the overpressured shale the we are seeing in the Belmont, Guernsey, Noble areas (0.6 psi gradient).  I strongly believe that in time the industry will be able to produce the Ashland area economically, but at current prices and current technology we are not quite there.

Comment by Carl Finley on March 12, 2013 at 2:37pm
Devon spent north of 13,000,000 on the eichelberger well I'm sure they knew they had a pressure problem. Marcus there is a statement in our lease that states as long as they make delay rentals the lease carries over for the original term. Just met with my lawyer today I'm good my lease is all screwed up and is in no way enforceable. But my neighbors aren't so lucky.
Comment by GEOMAN on March 12, 2013 at 7:29am

Sorry Calla, but I think the ODNR messed up in adding this Weatherford data to this well.  Look at the depths, 6200-6230. The Pt Pleasant in the Ruggles well is between 3450-3580.  I found the spreadsheet for the source rock data and this is from a well in Portage County, API# 34-133-23777.  However, I do agree that I am not sold that it is a maturity issue, as Devon stated it did flow hydrocarbons, I would relate a great deal to the reservoir pressures in this area.  That is just my opinion!

Comment by Carl Finley on March 12, 2013 at 6:50am
You mean in the original lease to the landowners? If so thats not a true statement a Richland County landowner specifically told Devon he didnt want to extend his lease when it expired in September 2012 (he is 2 miles due west of the Eichelberger well). They came back offered him a higher amount and he still said no. Then they invoked that funny little clause that screws most all of us in our WRP lease and extended his lease at the $10 per acre.
Comment by Carl Finley on March 12, 2013 at 6:45am
No company is dumb enough to get suckered into 200,000 acres of im-mature Utica/PP period! Why wouldnt Devon just abandon those leases and only sell there premium assets since thats the only one they showed geology to the bidders? It's not about making $.20 on our leases its about what they paid WRP and all these other companies for our leases. Does anybody know what they paid? I'll bet you it wasnt $10 bucks per acre.
Comment by Carl Finley on March 12, 2013 at 6:04am
Well the maturiy level of the Utica/PP isnt going to be good in 5 years so why enforce the clause in our WRP leases to forcibly extend them for 5 more years? If our leases arent sold will Devon keep paying Ashland County for 5 more years?

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