HB 493 has been sent by the State House of Representatives to the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee for deliberation.

Has anyone heard if / when the Committee will take it up - or have they already begun ?

I've made a few calls (just this morning and early afternoon) to inquire.  I called four (4) Committee Members but wasn't able to speak to anyone and had to leave messages.

One (1) big change being discussed deals with a 750' standoff from property lines and laterals for the deep horizontal wells (unless the parcel is part of the drilling unit).  Don't know what they mean by parcel either - if closer than 750' is the adjacent parcel in total then part of the drilling unit ?  Or can only a portion of the parcel be included in the drilling unit ?  The Bill right now doesn't elaborate.  If I understood the original rule all you had to be is 500' back from property lines in deep well instances.

Anyone else have any info. ?

Here's a link to the proposed Bill:


Here's a link to a listing of the Committee Members:


I left telephone messages with State Representatives David Hall (97th House District, Ashland and Medina), the Chair; Andy Thompson (93rd House District, Guernsey, Monroe, Noble, Washington, Muskingum) the Vice Chair; Teresa Fedor 52nd House District, Toledo) Sponsor and Ranking Minority Member; and Casey Kozlowski (99th House District, Ashtabula, Northern Trumbull).


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