Reminder:  meeting tonight (Thur 1-27-11) at the North Washington Social Hall.  Informational meeting at 6:00 and the meeting for members is at 7:00.  Hope to see you there.


Please note that only members will be allowed to attend the members meeting....thank you!

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Hi. Are there anymore meetings coming up? I'm just interested to hear if there is anything new going on.
We have 60 acres in butler co. and are interested in your group, where can I go for information and meeting times.
We are a true landowner group run by landowners not a venture capital company seeking to flip YOUR lease. If your property is in Clay, Concord, Cherry, Marion, Washington or Venango Twps we would love to have you on board!
You can send an E-mail to: and we will send you an informational packet and you will also be placed on our E-mail list for updates. I try to post here as well to keep landowners informed on what we are doing.
Our property is in Marion Twp. Could you send out the information packet so we can go over it.
Amy,  more than happy to get the info to you.  You can send an E-mail to and we can E-mail all the info.  Thanks!
Do you know about any landowner groups in center township?


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