Swepi just applied for these six horizontal well permits last week. Two wells to each of the Marcellus, Utica, and the Burket Shale Formations. 

I added page three to each of the well plats I posted earlier. It shows the horizontal bore path & bottom hole.

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Please note, I updated the pdf with page three of each well plat which shows the horizontal bore path & bottom hole location.

nice job and an even better explanation of what all these permit changes mean. I could not figure out what was happening and I appreciate your explanation.


I just noticed how close your property is to these wells. The production unit will likely look different and include more parcels than what these drawings show. Hopefully some of your acreage will be included and if these wells are productive there will be more drilled from this same pad. Good luck to you.

These two pics are from the Renick site.  As i said the other night, you cant see much from the road.  I did see today that the drill pad is all leveled off and the dirt is  Rolled in.  IMO, its ready for the limestone to be brought in and rolled in.  In my experiance, it takes about a week to put the limestone in place, when that starts, i don't know.

Thanks for taking the time to shoot and post the pics Geo. It looks like they moved a lot of dirt to get it where it's at. I would guess the wet weather we were having earlier this month slowed construction a bit.

We could use one of those drones to fly over to get closeup pics of these sites. 


I drove past Renicks today 7/16 around noon. Looks like from the road that a rig has arrived and is being set up.

Bob O.

That's great news, thanks for posting your observation Bob O.


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