What's in store for us this year?

Hilcorp assigns leases to Shell.

Shell assigns leases to Hilcorp.

Hilcorp assigns leases to Co Exprise.

Shell and Hilcorp both have product being produced and sold so royalty checks will finally start being wrote.

Shell was just issued another permit for the Kephart Pad. (3/26/13) Otherwise current activity is pretty dead.

When are some more pads on other leaseholds going to be started? Maybe 2013 is going to be a slow year?

Please post any information as it is known throughout the year. There sure hasn't been much activity on our site lately.

Maybe some Shell , Hilcorp , and Co Exprise reps. could enlighten us with some news ?

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Patterson are recieving around $280.00 ac m Whittings have not recieved anything as of 4/5/20013 but soon


What is the unit size?

They are clearing the land for the cryogenics plant on state line rd. The area beside sky king fireworks off 224 is full of company trucks, diggers, dozers and five school busses to hall the guys to the job site for the pipelines. If you can see over the hill at the bend on churchill rd. they have more equipment and piles of pipe down there. I would bet the drill rigs are soon to follow. Lets hope the electric plant on 551 gets going and the casino on 422 gets the green light finally! The more jobs in the area the better.

What is the status of the Mayberry well?  Is production coming close?

Did anyone notice that on 04/04/13 there was another assignment of leases FROM Hilcorp TO Shell again?

My computer is acting up and I cant open the document to get an eye on the list of properties but I found that at least 400 acres of it borders me here in New Beaver! Appearing like Shell will be the Major in Lawrence County.....IMO all the signs are pointing towards a definite GO on the Shell Cracker in Vanport and I'll bet we are going to see some fat royalties from WET gas in the next couple years. Can someone tell me how many leases were in this last assignment?

I think we should be getting a little more excited about our prospects than we appear to be , judging from the lack of activity on our site.........

How do you find out about the assignment of leases? I am plenty excited about the activity in the area, so that makes two of us anyway.

Thadd, here's the link to the County Recorder's site:


Set up a login and have fun!


Glenn, thank you. I have been on the county web site but did not figure it out until yesterday that you can search by municipality instead of individual names. The cryogenics plant is looking good on state line rd. also. They are pushing dirt and have paved a road for the truck trafic to access it. The pipeline work is looking good also.


Looked up the assignment from Hilcorp to Shell yesterday.  Looks like 166 parcels were transferred..Appears as though Shell is going to be in the drivers seat for Lawrence Co.

Hope they continue to treat the remaining unleased people fairly and not take advantage of them since they appear to be "the only game in town"..

I suppose time will tell..


Thank you Chris!
Thadd: Keeping an eye on the recorders website can be educational for sure!

Shell has been busy recording alot of right of ways lately.

Hilcorp is still busy recording leases too.

Permit activity in the county is nil lately though. Sure would like to see more drilling.

Shell (Swepi) has been busy recording right of way and right of way options this year!

As of 5/10/13:

Taylor Twp: 2

Washington: 5

New Beaver: 7

Plain Grove: 8

Little Beaver: 10

Wayne: 15

Scott: 19

North Beaver: 26

Shenango: 28

Slippery Rock: 52

Total thus far: 172

Anyone know how many of these pertain to pipelines vs. access to new pads?

Waterlines for fracing maybe?

Is there a time limit on these agreements or were you told they are a sure thing?

Can anyone involved enlighten us?

Sounds to me like encouraging developments.


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