I am a landowner with 9 acres on Rt. 107 near Lake Sheridan.  I am not leased yet but most of my neighbors have signed with Chesapeake a couple years ago.  I was wondering if anyone is aware of any plans to drill around my area in the near future.


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I hear Chief Oil & Gas is leasing Lake Sheridan properties lately. So far they don't have any permits in the area for wells but they must be planning something.

Right now the only wells being drilled near there are by Southwestern. 

I wonder if Chief will buy out the Chesapeake leases that have been signed near the Lake too.  Does anyone have any contact info. for a Chief rep.? 

Also, do you know if the test well near Fleetville has been approved?  If so, when will they start drilling?

Mark Walrath is a landman for Landmark Field Services and represents Chief O&G.  He may be able to help you.  570.836.8355.  Let me know if this isn't a good # anymore as I have others.


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