Just had an interesting talk with Cheapeake.  They are not signing any new gas leases at this time in Wyoming County.  No competition for remaining land, cheap gas prices, and results from current active wells stated as reasons.  He stated there are 3 wells actively being dug right now in Wyoming county and alot of what will happen next depends on the production from these test sites.  How can we find out how these wells are doing?  I am sure a whole lot of people would like to know.  Anyone got any ideas?

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So far I have found no official source for results on test wells. I can get info from people who were involved, but the companies themselves keep that very close to the vest.

They are absolutely right that the results will make a difference in what happens next. But there is no way we will get an announcement. As usual, we will know the results by watching what they do next. Over the next few years.
They say P&G's wells have gone beyond origional estimates. I overheard good things about the test well on 292 in centermoreland from a local that spoke with site crews there. Thats as much as I know. Im not at all worried about whether or not they will drill. Ive done business with a couple major and minor companies and they all say the same thing. Just wait. It will be everywhere.

(LAWSUITS are the only thing slowing some of the leasing down)
My parents live in northern Lackawanna county and the geophysical research activity is getting crazy. Helicopters are dropping bundles of wire and equipment is everywhere. Weve got at least 15 years of drilling ahead. Im curious about when they pipeline the water for fracking instead of truck hauling what it will do to boost production as well.


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