I am one of the Wyoming County land owners that has not signed a gas lease yet.  Most of the land owners around me signed with Chesapeake under the Wyoming County Land Owners Associaton late last year.  I have been talking to Chesapeake recently and they are now only offering $3,750 per acre with a 20% royalty.  I told them I needed at least the $5,750 that Chesapeake gave the land owners group and he said they made a big mistake and never should have signed that contract.  I have decided to wait for a better offer.  Has anyone else had any recent offers from Chesapeake? 

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no offers but from what i am seeing if the wells hold up there could be a pricing war on . the big companies have moved in from what it looks like and if the well hold up pumping the way they have been they most likely will be wanting our properties. just be patient and wait.
Thanks Marianne. Are you talking about the 2 test wells they drilled in Wyoming County? I have heard from unreliable sources they are producing well but nothing specific.
yes i read that about two weeks ago that the wells they have in are producing the most of any of the wells anywere, and that they have to wait, for more data . if they keep producing at the rate they started at without decline, like they sometimes do. that there could be bidding wars in that area. i am a firm believer in god, and i believe i havent signed a lease yet because it wasn't time. that when my lease comes in its going to be a good one.
check the times leader newspaper web site that might have been were i read it. all the big companies have moved into the area from what i read. i could be wrong but i am sure thats what it said. sit tight, its comming
Any insight into Chesapeake's interest in the Forkston/Mehoopany area (along Rt. 87)?
Oh yeah, big mistake....don't believe that line! Inthe next 12 months or so those $5750 leases will be some of their "cheaper" leases.
jack, do you have more info over what i read, if so please share, i am intrested in what you know or even assume
When a company gets 80% control of and area and/or a pipeline, I am told that friendly competitors back off and they start trading acreage to make sensible divisions in the pools that they create.

But even after the competition leaves, the hold outs are important and the poker game goes on until actual drilling comes into the area - which may be awhile. Depending on ones personal financial circumstances it may be fun to wait - even for the next generation to reap the benefit. Eventually the lease becomes critical.

Of course there is the so called forced pooling on the horizon and you could end up getting about what your neighbors got. But the landowner has another option under the proposals that have been made. If the landowner comes up with his share of drilling costs [a not insubstantial amount], he gets to share in the profits. The profits may run anywhere from a 35% return on investment to 100% or more. Has anyone heard of any of these wells being a dry hole? These producers really do not want new partners sharing with them.
has anyone heard about any offers in Wyoming county Monroe twp, recently, just trying to keep up with whats going on up in that area
It seems that pipeline deals are what is most important this year.  Monroe twshp has pipeline plans...keep alert.  Do not sign any pipeline agreement until the Wyoming county group has their contract finalized.  It will be offered to anyone wishing to use it when they hold an upcomng meeting at the Tunk middle school.  Like the WCLG contract it will be very landowner protective.

the wyoming county group are they signing leases again if so could  you let me know, also who can we contact about the pipelines. its hard to stay in the loop so far away.what will be offered to anyone anyone wishing to use it.. please email me if you have or hear any information i would appreciate it. just put the word marcellus shale in the email, so i don't delete it . any help would be greatly appreciatted.

also, i understand some of the gas is burned off in certain areas. why was the gas burned off, and how can i look it up online.   my email is mwnotary@comcast.net

thank you

I do not know specifically about Monroe County, but $20/foot for each pipeline laid can work.  A number of other considerations when you start having these "walls" across your property.
I also live in another state but have ties in Wyoming County.  Can you tell me if someone is about to sign a gas lease for a very small parcel, say 5-6 acres, does that mean the company they sign will not make any offers for the pipeline IF the property is in the line of the pipeline?  And, should the landowner request the company to make an offer on the pipeline portion?  So confused over what to include in decision making process b4 it's too late.  thanks


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