I'm wondering when the well will be completed and when the results would be made public.

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Watch this video for a better idea of how horizontal drilling is done


Every well has its own permit. There are 2 permitted on the 701 pad and 5 permitted on the 702 pad site.


Plat maps for the 2 newly permitted wells on Unit 701


Those are great.  Any chance you have a plat of unit 702.  I can sit on the deck and watch them building the pad for 702 but am not for sure if it is going to hit me very much if at all.

No, Randy is east  of the 701 pad and I'm west of the 702 pad.

The plats for pad 702 are not online with ODNR yet. Since the permits were just posted last week, it may be a little while before the plats show up on the website.

Yes you are correct Randy is west of 701 and I am east of 702.  I have the farm next to Randys dad on Straightfork.  As to what the well is producing it varies with who you talk to from dry gas only to 300 barrels of oil a day.  Until they get a line in to move the gas and start sending out royalty checks no one is going to know for sure what it is doing.  Dom. is taking some gas but won't take it all.

More like 3-6 million to put one in production.

Thanks Finnbear

I know seeing it on a map is not going to change anything but with it so close it does have me very interested and 703 looks to be even more promissing.

702 is located in Section 23 between CR 14 ( Long Run) and TR 280 ( Straightfork Rd)

703 is going to be in Section 18 between TR 280 and CR 12.  This would qualify as rumor at this time as no permits have been pulled.

I can assure you guys that the money that was spent on the first whitacre well approached 8 figures, if it didnt hit 8 figures...this was of course due to sidetracking that had to be done.

They lost the lateral twice when drilling and the 3rd time drilling it they finally got it right.


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